
Tuesday 23 April 2019

MC1 Assorted Perps 01

I am currently working on preparations for the start of my new Judge Dredd campaign, using the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD RPG rules by EN Publishing. I already have most of the figures I need for the start of my campaign but I'm working on adding more. A lot of my time has been taken up in creating character record sheets for my Judges, citizens and perps. In a Judge Dredd campaign, if you're playing Judges (which I'll be doing) you'll need a constant supply of perps. So in this post I present four new perps. None of them are named yet but that'll change soon.
At the far left is a tough-looking female armed with a pair of Spit Pistols. Her left arm has been replaced with a cybernetic arm, no doubt because of a serious injury. I see her as a gang leader or high ranking perp. The figure was produced by Warlord Games as a limited edition figure, along with a Judge armed with a Lawrod who were only available if you bought the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game rulebook and its supplement, Blood on the Streets. I already had both books and did not want to fork out for extra copies just to get two rare figures. However, I later found both figures for sale without the rulebooks on eBay and luckily the seller had a "buy now" option. I think I paid about £10 for the pair, which I considered a bargain.
The next two figures are a pair of Juve twin sisters, both wearing respirators and armed with a Spit Pistol each. These cost me absolutely nothing! My brother printed them out for me on his 3D printer after he downloaded them for free from the Thingyverse website. They are not perfect by any means and whilst on the small side do remember you can scale 3D prints up or down. At this size, they fit in perfectly as Juves. The one at the left is the original sculpt, whilst the one on the right has had her right arm cut off and repositioned by me. I like them.
Finally is a mutant Punk or Wrecker armed with a big hammer. He is in fact an Orc Coach from Mantic Games Dreadball game, available here I decided to paint him as a human mutant, hence his flesh skin tones and make his pointed ears and large teeth his mutation.
You can never have too many Perps when playing Judge Dredd and these are all useful additions to my collection.


  1. Great additions to your perps Bryan, looking forward to seeing your new campaign

    1. Greatly appreciated, Dave. You'll be pleased to know that Judge Stone will be returning and he's had a huge promotion. He's now a Senior Street Judge.

    2. Wow, as always the brass forgot to mention my promotion directly ! LOL

  2. 3D printing has come a long way. And I am sure it shall go much further. All are excellent additions and I really like the Orc Coach!

    1. Cheers, Clint. 3D printing is getting better all the time. I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before I get my own 3D printer.

  3. Some suitable looking evil doers there Bryan :)

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