
Friday 19 April 2019

Starfinder Iconic Heroes 01

Not long after I had bought the N.E.W. sci-fi RPG rulebook by EN Publishing I bought the Starfinder sci-fi RPG rulebook by Paizo. There were more things that I didn't like about Starfinder but there was also a lot I did like about it, in particular the myriad races and character classes. These I thought could fit in well with my The Ace of Spades Campaign for N.E.W. Just last week I bought the two sets of Starfinder Iconic Heroes from North Star Military Figures. See here for a link to them -
In Starfinder there are seven basic races you can choose from (Android, Human, Kasatha, Lashunta, Shirren, Vesk and Ysoki) and these can be one of seven classes (Envoy, Mechanic, Mystic, Operative, Solarian, Soldier and Technomancer). All seven races and seven classes are represented here.
We start with Navasi, a human envoy. Humans are an extremely and adaptable race that is constantly expanding and exploring. An envoy is a charismatic people person good at a wide range of skills who inspires others to accomplish great heroic feats. There are more pictures of Navasi in the Starfinder rulebook than any other character, which pleases me as she is my favourite Starfinder PC. The fact that her character was included in this set was the main reason for buying it.
Next to her is Iseph, an Android Operative. Androids are artificial people with mechanical components, formerly built as servants but now recognised as citizens. An operative is a stealthy combatant with wide-ranging know-how who is adept at taking advantage of unprepared foes.
Third in line is Keskodai a Shirren mystic. Shirren are an insect-like race that broke away from a locust-like hive. They are community-minded but addicted to individual choice. A mystic is a magic user whose mysterious connection to a powerful force grants abilities that break the laws of the universe.
Last in line is a hover drone, a robot with artificial intelligence. This is Scout who is the property of Quig the Ysoki mechanic. As Quig advances in experience so too does Scout.
Moving on, is Quig the Ysoki mechanic. Ysoki are also called "rat-folk" and these short furry scavengers make up for their short size with big personalties. A mechanic is a master of machines and technology whose tinkering produces a drone companion or a powerful brain implant.
Next to him is Raia, a Lashunta technomancer. Lashunta are a charismatic and telepathic race of scholars with two sub-species; one tall and lean, the other short and muscular. A technomancer is a magic user who is preternaturally attuned to technology and can use it to unlock powerful effects.
Second from the right is Altronius a Kasatha solarian. Kasatha are a four-armed race from a distant desert world with a highly traditional culture. A solarian is disciplined warrior whose mastery of the stars grants either a weapon or armour made of stellar power.
Finally is Obozaya a Vesk soldier. Vesk are a warlike reptilian race that recently declared truce with the other six races... for now. A soldier is an expert with a wide range of armour, guns and melee weapons who specialise in certain fighting styles.
Set 1 contains Navasi, Iseph, Keskodai and a miniature starship, the Sunrise Maiden, not shown here. Set 2 contains the remaining five characters. Both sets costs £34.99. If you think that's a bit steep for four or five miniatures do bear in mind that they come fully painted. I have to admit that their paint jobs are far better than I could have achieved. All I have done to them is to add sand and gravel to their bases. They are all made of hard plastic.
If you are playing a sci-fi game that features multiple races you could surely find a use for these miniatures. I certainly plan on using them in my The Ace of Spades Campaign. They would also fit in well as a Trader crew in Core Space. One thing is for sure, I'll get a lot of use out of these two sets.


  1. Some interesting races and models Bryan, prepainted you say, that would put me off purchasing them myself, as I'd rather have unpainted and do it myself, but each to their own

    1. Thanks, Dave. Personally, I don't mind pre-paints when they are up to this high quality. Plus it saves me time to get other figures painted. Win-win!

  2. I really am not sure what to make of these. But then again I don't have to make anything of them. If you are happy with them and they serve a purpose then they are fine. I wish you and them well, and I hope you have many happy hours with them.

    Most of the aliens look of a similar size and shape to humans (yes there are 2or three) that are different but generally similar with 2 arms and 2 legs it would have been nice to see some greater variety perhaps.

    But as long as you are happy with them what else needs be said.

    1. Fair comment, Clint, but, yes, I am very happy with them all.

  3. Pre-painted is something I could more then live with Bryan, what scale are they ?

    1. I culdn't agree with you more. It is such a time saver, Frank. Navasi the human is 32mm tall from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head.

  4. Interesting little group of figures Bryan, some I really like some I'm not so grabbed by, I particularly like the Vesk soldier, though his head looks a little small somehow.. the painting on them looks pretty good to be honest, but as we know there's nowt to stop you repainting them "Heroclix" style.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Much appreciated, Roger. The Vesk do have relatively small heads. He is a direct copy of an illustration in the rulebook and that is exactly how he looks.
      Oh, and there is no way I'll be repainting them. I think they're perfect as is.

  5. Any plans to stat up these races for N.E.W.?

    1. Not immediately, Bill, but it is something I'd like to do. The blend of magic and technology in "Starfinder" will present a problem. I know very little about WOIN magic.

    2. Makes sense. I can see how that could be an issue.

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