
Sunday 7 April 2019

My 7TV Apocalypse Collection

Yesterday was Salute 2019 and I'm sure lots of people will be posting their purchases online. Once again, I did not attend. I'm not bothered as I do not like crowds. Anyway, in my last Monthly Musings I mentioned that I'd received my 7TV2e: Apocalypse Kickstarter package. I did say I'd received a lot of figures and vehicles but failed to mention what I'd got. So, here's my loot collection, showing all the extra stuff I bought for this Crooked Dice Games package.
Starting at the top left are my mutant giant ants in three sizes. These are great critters to use in any post-apocalypse game. I will certainly get some more of these. Moving down are four Wasteland Heroes - Mad Max, Mean Machine (not Mean Machine Angel from Judge Dredd), the Gyro Captain and his kid. To the left of them is the 7TV Mcguffin scenery piece, and finally post-apocalypse versions of Dick Dastardly and Muttley from The Wacky Races. The next two rows of figures show assorted Wasteland Villains, some of whom will be recognisable from the Mad Max series of films (Humongous, Wez, Master Blaster and the Feral Kid). In the bottom row are 8 Wasteland Cultists.
Moving to the right side I have two Interceptor cars. The top one will be Mad Max's car and the lower one a Police Interceptor from the first Mad Max film. I definitely want at least two more of these cars. They are so versatile with loads of options. Below them are three Wasteland bikers. To the right of them are rear stowage options for the Interceptor cars. Finally, at the bottom are post-apocalypse versions of Penelope Pitstop and the Ant Hill Mob from The Wacky Races.
As you can see, I have primarily concentrated on figures and vehicles from the Mad Max films. I love these films. I have long wanted to use this setting to play on my gaming table using 28mm scale figures. I am sure these will be an absolute joy to paint but I'm not sure when I'll get round to painting as I have two other big projects I'm concentrating on - Core Space and Judge Dredd. Once I do get round to painting them I know I'll be buying a lot more vehicles to use in this game. This game has most definitely captured my enthusiasm.


  1. Great haul Bryan, lot's of interesting figures to inspire and take in many directions. Look forward to seeing what you do with them, when you've finished your other projects

    1. Many thanks, Dave. I wish I had more time on my hands as I have so many figures I want painting asap. The curse of so many gamers, huh?

    2. LOL indeed! Ah, you have to laugh.

  2. I really am in 2 minds about post apoc wargames. Some can be very good indeed. (Like Zombies) but many times it is just not as good as you want it to be. Sometimes better as Roleplaying o an individual level. So really in 2 minds.

    1. I would certainly agree that it all comes down to gameplay, Clint. I haven't tried it out yet but I have played 7TV2e before and very much enjoyed the experience so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this exceeds my expectations. Even if the rules do turn out naff, I'm more than happy with the figures.

  3. Great set of models there Bryan, the giant ants would be my pick of the bunch as like you said they offer so many use's :)

    1. Thanks you, Frank. I can certainly find lots of uses for the giant ants in numerous games. They are very versatile.

  4. Lots to see and enjoy with that photo, Bryan, as you clearly took advantage of the Kickstarters numerous gangs etc. I look forward to seeing how you get on painting them :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I can't wait to get them painted and onto my gaming table to give the rules a try out.

  5. You certainly live the phrase ""All in!" don't you Bryan. :-)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Roger. You clearly know me so well, LOL!

  6. I recently got my box, but I'm jealous of your better loot pull. I really look forward to seeing your bikers and the interceptors painted.

    1. Many thanks, Baconfat. I certainly did splash out on this Kickstarter.

  7. So finished by the next update I hope !!!! Best of luck with the interceptors the `last of the V8 interceptors' being black is an iconic car and the weathering will finish that one. If the other is the the interceptor from the first chase, yellow, red, blue with white pin stripes. Rather you than me.

    1. Cheers, Phil. I'll be lucky to get started on these before my next update! Regarding their colour schemes, you are spot on. I like a challenge! :-)

  8. Fabulous. I am looking forward to seeing your interceptors done.

    I regret not getting the cultists as part of mine but alas didn't have the funds at the time. I shall look forward to filling the gaps as they get released.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. I understand your dilemma. I know I could have easily spent a lot more on this Kickstarter.

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