
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Resident Evil 2 Giant Alligator & Giant Spiders

The biggest and most impressive looking model that I got with my Resident Evil 2 Kickstarter set was the Giant Alligator. It is huge! Suffice to say, I wanted to get it painted asap, even though it takes no part in the basic core game. Also, at the same time, I painted the pair of Giant Spiders, which are also an optional expansion set. I have included my figure of Vampifan in these photos to give you a sense of scale of the monsters.
The Giant Alligator is a Boss level creature, meaning it acts differently to normal monsters in the game. It has three special abilities. First up is Relentless. Before drawing a card from the behaviour deck, the Giant Alligator performs a move towards the active character. Second is Scaly Hide. The Giant alligator cannot be damaged by attacks and does not use a health dial. Thirdly is Driven Back. If the Giant Alligator is hit by an attack, reduce its movement from 2 to 1 for the remainder of the activation.
Instead of performing actions, each Boss has a unique behaviour deck which dictates how it moves and attacks. When a character is on the same tile as a Boss, instead of drawing a card from the tension deck, in their Tension Phase, they draw a card from the boss's behaviour deck and resolve the sequence on the card from top to bottom.
The Giant Spiders have a movement rate of 1 and 3 wounds. They have two special abilities. First is Burn It! Damage caused by flames or fire against a Giant Spider is doubled. Second is Poisonous Charge. During Arachnid Charge movement, the Giant spider moves through any square occupied by another character. Any character contacted suffers the Pushed and Poisoned effects.
An Arachnid Charge allows the Giant Spider to move 3 squares towards the active character. They are fast and deadly!
For painting the Alligator I referenced photos of real life alligators on Google Images. On my first visit to Florida, USA, my family and I visited a place called Gator World, which was full of these beasts, I thought they were cool, but my parents were glad to leave the place! To them it was too hot (being outdoors there was no air conditioning), too smelly (yes, they did smell) and they found the alligators too repulsive, whereas I thought they were fascinating. The colour scheme for the two spiders came from their character record cards that came with them. It is very striking! These creatures could appear in many a post apocalypse game, including Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog. I could just imagine the Giant Alligator residing in the Undercity of Mega City One and the spiders living out in the Cursed Earth.


  1. Yep some very useful models Bryan for lots of different settings, nice choice of colours for Mr Al as most people seem to paint them in what is more of a croc's colour.

    1. Many thanks, Frank. I'm sure many people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile. I learned that the simplest way to tell them apart is that an alligator's teeth are hidden when its mouth is closed but they aren't hidden when a crocodile closes its mouth. There's your useful fact for the day! :-)

  2. That big gator reminds me of sarcosuchus.

    Nice work on it and the spiders! The latter are very striking! (just hope you aren't in striking range!) That coloring says "Danger! Keep away!"

    1. Much appreciated, FB. The spider's colour scheme certainly does scream "danger!"

  3. Great work on the beasties Bryan, Gator World is still there in Florida and works in conjunction with the air boat rides out in the everglades and has a small display there to

    1. Thanks kindly, Dave, and thanks for telling me that Gator World is still going strong.

  4. I must say the Alligator is a triumph. "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat!" It is huge when compared with the human figure. Having not seen the films if the spiders are that vibrant (and remember I have not seen the films)I feel I may need sunglasses.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. What you say is very true!

  5. Yep that is definitely a giant Alligator! beautifully painted too by the way. Now you need a Betty White figure to feed it cows!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. When you see the Alligator figure in real life it is incredibly impressive. It's diet doesn't need thinking about!

  6. The beast is terrifying, you nailed the paint job.

    1. Thank you very much, Baconfat. I'm very happy with my paint job.

  7. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Alligator listcrawler

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