
Friday 24 May 2019

MC1 Citizens 04

Continuing my look at my figures of Mega City One citizens here are six more males. These are a mixed bunch with the three to the left being the same figure from their 25mm scale Spacefarers sci-fi range (1980), the next two were produced by West End Games for their 25mm scale Star Wars range. Sadly I have no recollection of who made the figure at the far right. I do know that I bought him in the 1980's. Despite these all being 25mm scale figures they still fit in well with my 28mm to 32mm scale figures.
The figure at the far left was such a generic looking civilian that I bought three of them. Apart from their paint schemes, the first two are identical. The one at the far right is either a Blocker or a Citizen. Next to him is an Eldster as denoted by his pale grey hair. For the third one I added a can of a fizzy drink to his right hand.
Third from the left is the surly bartender, Cedo Partu from the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine from the film, Star Wars IV - A New Hope. He could be either a bartender or a barfly in Mega City One.
Next up is a rebel operative. I don't think he appeared in any of the films but he might have made a very brief appearance.
The unknown figure at the far right is just another generic sci-fi civilian.


  1. The ones on the left look a bit `Blakes 7' ish. You've been busy then !!!!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I see what you mean about "Blake's Seven". these are all old figures that were painted many years ago.

  2. Love these for their utilitarian sculpts and paint jobs Bryan - they'll be useful for all kinds of roles across a swathe of different settings :-)

    1. That is so true, Greg. You'll see a few of them popping up on my current "The Ace of Spades Campaign".

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