
Tuesday 21 May 2019

MC1 Citizens 03

I still have lots more figures of Mega City One citizens to show you so without further ado, here is the next batch. These six figures were all produced by Citadel Miniatures in the 1980's. The three to the left were alternate Time Lords from their Doctor Who range. The next two are from their Judge Dredd range of figures and the final figure is a Rogue Trader psyker. Most of them have not been named.
First in line is a Social Elite civilian wearing the most extravagant clothing to show off his wealth and eccentricity.
Second from the left is an African-American Citizen. He walks with a limp hence his need to use a walking cane.
Next up is another eccentrically dressed Citizen. He is carrying a "boom box" in his right hand
Moving on is a Blocker. This figure was originally a perp holding a pistol but I clipped off his pistol to convert him into a Blocker. His T-Shirt features Belinda Plook, who was most notably arrested by Judge Dredd whilst performing at the Megavision Song Concert. Note that I have made figures of Belinda and her band which I'll show in a later post.
The only named character from this group is the second from the right. She is Melda Dreep, a Blocker, who lit the fuse to the Block Wars when someone from a rival block dropped an ice cream on her head. As a result, Block Mania spread throughout Mega City One resulting in a massive death toll. The Block Mania story was a prologue to the much longer The Apocalypse War story.
Finally is a Psyker citizen. Psykers are individuals with psionic powers but are not members of Justice Department. Justice Department tries to recruit as many psykers as possible into their Psi Division; however, many with appropriate talents are unable to be Judges. Some may be too old to enter the Academy of Law – although the age limit can be raised for those whose powers are revealed at a later date there is a limit to this. If powers are first spotted in a teenager or adult then they are considered far too old to become a Judge.


  1. More moving terrain! You can run but you can't outrun a Lawgiver! Nice job on them all.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. The "Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD" rulebook describes Citizens as "an alternative term for collateral damage!"

  2. Those alternate Time Lords from their Doctor Who range are fascinating, Bryan, especially the third one with the boom box!?! I wonder what motivated the "Citadel" sculptor behind them? Marvellous stuff.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I would imagine his brief was to make them look as eccentric and as wacky as possible! :-)

  3. Another wonderful collection of colourful MC1 inhabitants Bryan, and once again they wouldn't look out of place as civilian types for many other sci-fi settings :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Greg. You are so right that these could used in pretty much any sci-fi game. You'll see quite a few of them popping up in my "The Ace of Spades Campaign" that I'm currently running on my WOIN blog.

  4. Drokk a nice bunch they are. I think `boom-box' was based on a Ron Smith drawing.

    1. Thanks, Phil, both for your comment and info about "Boom Box".

  5. Another wonderful set of models Bryan & the added insight on the story line is always welcomed :)

    1. Cheers, Frank. These figures are so old I figured that very few people would recognise them.

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