
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Necromunda Ambots

I recently bought two boxed sets of Ambots for Games Workshop's Necromunda game. These multi-part plastic kits are very detailed and look very impressive when built and painted. Ambots can be hired by any gang in Necromunda.
The Luther pattern Excavation Automata is a heavy construct built in imitation of the Ambull, a huge, roughly humanoid xenos creature common to hot, arid worlds. Thought to have evolved in the endless deserts of Luther McIntyre 9 in the Segmentum Solar, the Ambull is now common across the Imperium. Humanity, having attempted to domesticate the brutes to make use of their traits. Ambulls are natural tunnellers, their powerful limbs ending in diamond-hard claws that enable them to dig through soft rock at a surprising speed. Their eyes see into the infrared spectrum, making impeccable use of even the faintest levels of light and they are even able to detect heat signatures as a visual stimulus.
The greatest success in domesticating the Ambull lie in using the creatures as the organic component of a heavy mining construct. Specially crafted instrumentalities are fused with the brain and nervous system of the Ambull, in a process perfected by the Adeptus Mechanicus, to circumvent the most ancient laws proscribing the "machina malifica", the dreaded "machine that thinks". When the creature awakens in its new robotic shell, it retains the natural tunnelling instinct it had when it was flesh, whilst its aggression and hunting impulses are suppressed by cranial governors. Consequently, Luther pattern Excavation Automata, or Ambots, as they are commonly called in the underhive vernacular, are not uncommon on Necromunda, where they are utilised for slag mining and ash excavation. A common danger of using such constructs, however, is that there is always an underhive gang waiting for the opportunity to liberate  such a prized commodity and utilise it as a weapon against their rivals.
You get two Ambots in the box, which come in different poses with a selection of options like heads and underarm weapons. The red and blue Ambots were built as per their instructions. As were the yellow and green ones but on these two I clipped off their pincers. Also, I left off the big right arm shoulder pad from all of them. It didn't look right to me. Just one of these is a very tough fighter in Necromunda with high stats across the board. However, not surprisingly, they are expensive.
The boxed set of two 40mm tall Ambots cost £25.00 if you are stupid enough to buy them from Games Workshop (greedy bastards!). I bought mine for £19.88 per box from Wayland Games. Element Games sell them for £21.25.
Although I primarily bought them to use in Necromunda, I also plan on using them in The Robot Wars for my upcoming Judge Dredd campaign. I plan on using them as Heavy Metal Kids in the scenario, although technically speaking, they should be twice as tall. Size-wise they'd work better as Industrial Robots but the Heavy Metal Kids are such an integral part of the story that I have to include them. Sure, this is a compromise but better this way than not using them.


  1. Great looking Ambots Bryan, they look like they would fit into JD games very easily

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. The reason I bought two sets is because I knew I'd be able to use them in "Judge Dredd".

  2. Usable in so many systems. Nicely done.

  3. Bryan these really hadn't piqued my interest. But now you have me rethinking that. ;) Awesome job man.

  4. Great bots. They are useful for a few systems.

    1. Many thanks MBG. I do like figures that can be used in multiple systems. These certainly fit that bill.

  5. Awesome Job Bryan. I really think GW nailed these kits they are fab looking models.

    1. I totally agree with you, Simon. They are lovely models.

  6. Very nice quartet of security / war bots Bryan, and thanks for bringing the kits to my attention :-)

    1. Cheers, Greg, and I'm glad to have made you aware of them.

  7. They look good.

    I should go back to my roots and play more Necromunda. I really should and not just say it but do it.

    1. Thank you most kindly, Clint. As it is the only GW game I play, I can highly recommend it.

  8. Their nice models Bryan & ones I could plenty see of use for & would agree with you on your GW comment 100%

    1. Much appreciated, Frank. GW really are taking the piss with their pricing policies. That's why they'll never get another penny from me.

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