
Friday 17 May 2019

MC1 Citizens 02

Preparations are well in hand for the start of my new Judge Dredd campaign. In the past, I have shown a lot of my Judges, Perps and Robots but not many Citizens. In this post and the next few posts I'll be showcasing a lot more of my Citizen figures starting with these six, all produced by Moonraker Miniatures as part of their Spacelords range. Most of my Citizens have not been given names but some have.
At the far left is a male citizen from set 3706 - Civilians. Based on the career choices in the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD rulebook, I'd class him as a bog standard Citizen - one of the multitudes living in Mega City One who try to keep their heads down to stay out of trouble. Alternatively, he could be a Blocker.
Next in line is a Ship's Crewman from set 3720 - Ship's Crew. He could be a Pilot, Scientist or Engineer or even a Smuggler. He'll be in big trouble if the Judges spot him smoking that cigar!
Third from the left is another Citizen or Blocker who is also from set 3706 - Civilians. Blockers were born and raised in a city block and quite often spend their whole lives there, never venturing outdoors. After all, the block provides all they would ever want.
Third from the right is an armed civilian from set 3701 - Adventurers. He could be a small business owner or perhaps even a Survivalist. Note that ownership of a pistol is not necessarily a criminal offence - it all depends upon the type of pistol.
Second from the right is another Civilian from set 3706 - Civilians. He, too, is armed and is very similar to the previous Citizen in that he too, is armed with a Pistol.
Last up is the only female of this group and the only one I have named. She is Falujah Faliraki, the fourth figure from set 3706 - Civilians. In my mind, she has to be one of the Social Elite where she attends all the best social functions that happen in the best blocks in the sector.


  1. Great looking citizens Bryan, and will be great to see standard citizens wandering around not just the perps and judges

    1. Really appreciated, Dave. In my opinion, the more civilians you have the better, especially in a setting like Mega City One.

  2. Nice. Quite a `normal' group for the Big Meg

  3. For MC1 Cits they look quite normal! (Which says much more about the citizens than your painting, as all ways Top notch). I hope you have some weirdo's waiting to be seen.!

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I most certainly do have some "weirdos" waiting in the wings. You'll see them soon.

  4. Marvelous MC minis Bryan, and as we know, it's the humble civilians that can spark some surprising story lines :-)
    At first glance, 3701 reminds me of Napoleon Boneparte as played by Rod Steiger in the 1970 movie "Waterloo". :-)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Greg. Indeed you are right about humble civilians sparking some surprising stories. I particularly remember Citizen Melda Dreep having an ice cream dropped on her which lit the fuse for the "Block Mania" story.
      Now that you point it out to me, I can see a resemblance with Rod Steiger in "Waterloo". Great film, by the way!

  5. I really like these Bryan, your painting colours seems to be perfect for the setting :)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Frank. I see the citizens of MC1 being very colourful and sporting all kinds of fashions.

  6. These turned out really well. Nice work

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