
Saturday 4 May 2019

Resident Evil 2 Zombies 01

Obviously with a game like Resident Evil 2 you are going to get a lot of zombie figures and I certainly did buying all of the expansion sets when the game was released on Kickstarter. I haven't painted all of them yet but I have painted two dozen of them, which is more than enough for most games. This post covers the 12 zombie figures that came with the starter boxed set.
I start of with four policemen from the Racoon City Police Department who would obviously be in the front-line once the zombie apocalypse began.
The boxed set comes with three sets of four identically posed 32mm scale zombies. I have made these four look unique by simply giving them different hair colours. Also, for each set of four, I have painted one as an African American with darker skin. He or she will be the one at the far right.
The next four males are advancing with their left arms stretched out to grab hold of a victim. "I'm coming to get you, Barbara!"
Because these were once civilians I was able to make them look unique by giving them different coloured clothing and hair.
Finally, we have four female zombies with pageboy hairstyles that covers their left eye. Note that all of these figures are sculpted onto 20mm diameter bases which I have covered with sand and gravel.
Once again, by painting them with different coloured hair and clothing I was able to make each one appear to be a unique model.
Although designed to be used with the Resident Evil 2 board-game, there is no reason why you couldn't use them in any other contemporary or near future zombie apocalypse game. I had a lot of fun painting them. I always enjoy painting zombies.


  1. Great work on the dead Bryan, and as you say Zombies are useful for lots of different games

    1. Thank you kindly, Dave. As I keep saying, you can never have too many zombies. I reckon I now have over 1,500 contemporary zombies! I didn't think it too many!

  2. Great looking zeds Bryan! That reminds me, I've got about 100 Zombicide ones I need to work on.

    1. Many thanks, Bub. Yes, you do get a lot of zombies with "Zombicide" and its expansion sets. I still haven't painted all of mine yet, although the majority are done.

  3. Good idea Bryan changing the colours to make them look different, you do like your Z's :)

    1. Cheers, Frank. Painting them in different colour schemes is the easiest way to make them all look different. And, yes i do like my zombies.

  4. Yet more zombies! I am beginning to think you have your own factory churning out undead! Just put my mind at rest and tell me you have not! (cause that would be scary)
    All the best mate and I can now picture you with an electronic catle-prod! (Not that, that would help!)

    1. Thanks, Clint, for making me laugh! Thankfully, I do not have a factory churning out undead. No bank would give me collateral to set up such a venture. Go figure!

    2. Back in the days when I used to work nights, if you had seen us as we left the factory at 7.00am you would have thought they were producing undead!

      Lovely work as always! Cheers Roger.

    3. Lovely story, Roger, and I can certainly see the truth in it. :-)

  5. Blimey, some of the details on those zombies are eye-wateringly small, Bryan. Kudos to you for picking out the eyes, belt buckles and badges.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. Mantic Games' "The Walking Dead" zombies are a lot more detailed and easier to paint but to be honest, these didn't trouble me at all. I think the main difference is that the "Resident Evil 2" figures are more realistically proportioned.

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