
Tuesday 7 May 2019

Resident Evil 2 Zombies 02

I continue my look at some of the 32mm scale plastic zombie figures produced for the Resident Evil 2 board-game by Steam Forged Games. These 12 figures were part of the expansion sets. Individually, they are not much of a threat with a Move of 1, Health of 1, Threat Level of 1 and they inflict 1 point of damage. They have just one special ability which is Suicide Lunge. With an attack range of 1 instead of their normal attack range of 0 , the zombie performs a move reaction then attacks. This attack cannot be evaded. After resolving the attack, the Zombie is killed.
As with the 12 zombies I showed last time, these come in three different poses made up of four figures.
These four are advancing with their right arm stretched out. The one on the far right of each set has been painted as an African American, hence his darker skin colour. All of them have been given different coloured clothing and hair.
Next up are four more males, casually dressed in T-shirts and shambling forward in search of fresh blood.
Once again, in order to provide some individuality amongst them, I have painted them in different coloured clothing and hair colours.
Finally are more shambling male zombies. To make each one look unique I have varied where their wounds are as well as giving them all different coloured clothing and hair.
Coupled with the 12 zombies I showed in my last post and the final batch left to paint you end up with about three dozen zombies, which is a decent sized horde. I have no criticism to make of the sculpts but I do wish there were more female zombies in the mix. Just four female zombies out of so many is a poor showing.


  1. Great new additions to your horde Bryan, and great work on adding variation with the different colours and wounds

    1. Very much appreciated, Dave. I do like having unique figures when I can.

  2. Are you sure you don't have a factory making zombies? I suspect you might have and are just keeping it secret. No, I believe you.

    Excellent to see more Zeds painted.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I put my high productivity down to having a great deal of enthusiasm for just about everything I paint plus my mojo is sky high. It's a nice feeling to have. :-)

  3. I think the reason for the fewer females might be the males trying to be hero's Bryan :)

    1. Hmm, good try, Frank, but I'm not really buying it.

  4. Ah the horde grows, nicely done Bryan !"!!

    1. Cheers, Phil. Indeed the horde grows bigger. Luvverly jubbly!

  5. These look great Bryan (though I agree, it's a shame there's not more females in the mix), and your zombie horde must be frighteningly HUGE by now :-)
    You state they're 32mm, but I suppose they do fit in OK with your "28mm" collection?

    1. Greatly appreciated, Greg. The full horde is becoming a mega-horde!
      Yes, they are 32mm scale but I've never had a problem in mixing scales because in real life, people come in all shapes and sizes.

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