
Monday 24 June 2019

Core Space - Civilians

In Core Space, civilians, human or otherwise will often get caught up in the action. They perform the day to day duties needed to keep things running and are not used to being invaded by Traders or Purge and can therefore act irrationally. Although lightly armed, they are not trained soldiers and are prone to panic.
Civilians will sometimes trade with characters, join a Trader crew or attack them without provocation. Civilians can join a crew and likewise, a trader can retire and become a civilian. However, civilians are not always what they seem, so be careful. Civilians may be Galactic spies or even disguised Purge Live Ones on reconnaissance duty!
The three civilians to the left of these two photos are part of the boxed core set, whilst the other two were Kickstarter add-ons.
At the far left is Butler, privileged, pompous and entitled, he demands the best. His empty swagger hides a deeply insecure man whose fortunes have teetered on the brink more times than he cares to admit.
Gan'eek is a skilled engineer and tech designer who works in the rough end of the galaxy. He prefers to be in the thick of the action rather than take the soft posting that his family had arranged. He is a member of the Ech Triune race, renowned scientists and engineers.
In the centre of this group is Kaori. Young, strong and fast, she grew up on the mean streets working as a "runner", a foot courier who could deliver to places traffic could only dream of. She is a self-styled cyberpunk using her credits to buy and upgrade the tech she needs to stay one jump ahead of the competition.
A downtrodden plumber by trade, Treva Jole has spent the last few years fixing the hot tubs of the rich and famous. He looks on in envy at his customers but also envies the Traders' exciting lives on the edge, something Treva can't bring himself to commit to.
Finally, is Ooma, a member of an obscure species who ambles through life with his malfunctioning translator, the eternal tourist even on his homeworld. However, his bumbling facade hides an extremely sharp and in some ways, devious mind.
I always say that you can never have too many civilians whatever genre they belong to and that is certainly true of sci-fi civilians. I have already used some of these in my The Ace of Spades Campaign on my WOIN blog and will certainly use them when I start my new Judge Dredd campaign.


  1. 100% agree Bryan, while you have your main characters you also need other to fill things out & interact with them.

    1. Absolutely right, Frank. I do like the fact that civilians in "Core Space" act unpredictably as determined by a d6 roll.

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