
Thursday 20 June 2019

Core Space - Crew of the Ion Hope

The two Trader crews that come with the starter boxed set of Core Space by Battle Systems Ltd. are the crew of the Black Maria (shown last post) and the crew of the Ion Hope, which I'm showcasing here.
First up is the Ion Hope's captain, Arianna Sabrine, a 32 year old human. A little cocky, Arianna appears to be ex-military with a confident air. She served in the inter-system navy of Calypso in the Frane System, before taking early retirement to marry a fellow crew-mate. Her and her husband, Wyot Sabrine, were successful Traders, their fearless and reckless nature helping them to not only own their own ship outright but to also buy the Ion Hope.
The good times were short lived when her husband died in an engine explosion after a confrontation with the Purge. Left as the sole owner of the Ion Hope, Arianna had little choice but to carry on as a Trader, a bit less reckless and the cocky attitude in part a front. She knows it could all be over in the blink so it's best to enjoy it now. Arianna tries to be a good person and has turned down ethically dubious missions that other Trader captains would jump at. She is a natural leader who others turn to in a crisis.

Next to her is Roykirk Inskipp, a human who is in his mid-fifties, an advanced age for a Trader. He knows how to survive and others would do well to stick by him. Softly spoken, he uses diplomacy when he can but also knows when to shoot a gun. Despite his age he has very quick reflexes and is able to gauge new situations accurately. He would make an excellent captain but prefers to be a lieutenant, despising the life or death decisions a captain has to make.
Originally an engineer by trade, he has adapted many times during his life and has a wide plethora of skills including technician and medic. He tries to avoid killing when he can and has been known to relinquish a valuable item if it means he doesn't have to shoot someone for it. he is close to his crew, especially Arianna who values his input.
Second from the right is Gak, a Quell alien of indeterminate age. Gak is Arianna's gun man, always close by. He is a very quick thinker with a dry sense of humour. He is a large biped with bisecting arms effectively allowing him to carry four weapons at a time. Although the Quell appear argumentative and rash, in reality they are introspective, each carrying the destruction of their homeworld close to their heart.
Gak refers to himself in the third person, as all Quell do. He also knows that his large size and gormless expression can cause humans to think he's dumb, but he is fine with that, he prefers to be underestimated. Gak keeps his cards close to his chest and rarely talks for the sake of it, he talks when he has reason to. He has formed a close bond with Arianna, a woman he respects, despite her being a member of a backward species.

Finally, is David Tirgarde, a 34 year old human. In many ways, Tirgarde is in it for himself. He is an incredibly skilled and intelligent crewman but has a cold blooded attitude to his fellow beings. He has a quick and cynical sense of humour, which is amusing to newcomers but chafes anyone who knows him.
His attitude makes him hard to like, the awareness that he would sell you out in a heartbeat ever present. Roykirk has tried to treat him as family but so far Tirgarde has proven resistant. Why Tirgarde is this way is unknown, as he rarely speaks of the past or the future, only ever the here and now. Tirgarde has a nest egg hidden away in an off-world account. He plans for an early retirement and sees work as just a means to get what he wants.

I like this crew more than the crew of the Black Maria, simply because Arianna has a lot in common with Kimberley Wells, the captain of The Ace of Spades from my ongoing N.E.W. campaign.


  1. These look cool. I like the big guy I think I could find him useful for Alien Mercenaries in 7TV.

    1. Cheers, Simon. All of these figures could be used in other games. I certainly plan on doing so. I've more aliens to show next time.

  2. Anothe rlarge showing, second from left looks like Jeremy Corbyn with a pony tail.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. What a twisted mind you must have to come up with the Jeremy Corbyn connection, LoL!

  3. A terrific second posting on this game, Bryan, with Gak being my personal fave on account of your paint-job's palette choices.

    1. Thank you most kindly, Simon. I'm delighted at how Gak turned out. He's certainly an interesting character.

  4. Another fine crew Bryan with interesting back rounds, I take it that the crews come with their stats already in place ? so a question is there away of making up your own crews ?

    1. Many thanks, Frank. Yes, these figures do come with pre-generated stats but you certainly do have the option for creating your own crew members and there is a detailed description of how to do so in the rulebook. This allows you to use any sci-fi figures you might own.
