
Monday 3 June 2019

MC1 Citizens 06

In this post and the next one I'm going to take a look at some of my female sci-fi citizens to use as inhabitants of Mega City One. Rather unusually, all five have been given names by me.
At the far left is Maria Mercurial, the star of an old Shadowrun scenario. The figure was produced by Ral Partha and she has cybernetic arms and legs. The sculpting on her is exquisite and perfectly proportioned. In MC1 she would be a Star, a notable singer with a big following of fans.
Next in line is Tina Merrill, who is either a Blocker or a Citizen. She is a very old figure produced by Citadel Miniatures as part of their Spacefarers range which were created long before Warhammer 40,000 came into being.
In the centre of the group is Takazumi Tomokumi a 1/48th scale model who came with a plastic Manga hover vehicle. I forget who exactly produced her and the vehicle but it was a Japanese firm. Given that she is a driver I've decided to make her a professional Driver. She will undoubtedly be one of the racers in the Superslab Slam scenario that appears in the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD rulebook (see p.203 -207).
Fourth in line in Zoe Heriot whom fans of Doctor Who may recognise as one of the companions of the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton). Her figures is produced by Black Tree Designs. I'll be using her as an Employee - a Personal Assistant to a corporate manager.
Last up is Kisten Galdot, a Blocker or Citizen. She was produced by West End Games as a rebel operative for their Star Wars range.


  1. Hi Bryan, another nice selection. I am especially impressed with the sculpting and painting of the Maria mercurial figure.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. Undoubtedly, Maria is the stand out figure of this batch. She is just exquisite.

  2. Five very different models Bryan & yet somehow they all look right together, well done :)

    1. Thanks, Frank. Diversity is the name of the game.

  3. That Takazumi Tomokumi miniature is a stand-out win in my books, Bryan, and what a corking idea to utilise her as a professional driver in "Judge Dredd". Great suggestion to have Maria Mercurial play the role as a successful singer too!!

    Btw the Zoe mini is made by "Black Tree Design" not "Black Hat Miniatures".

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. Takazumi is one of my favourite figures. Although she looks tall here, she blends in well with 32mm scale figures, of which I have many.
      Thanks for correcting my mistake regarding Black Tree Designs. I have rectified my error in my post.

  4. Lovely quintet of ladies Bryan, but Maria Mercurial also gets my vote - and oh how I wish she was still available because she'd definitely be on my "to get" list for my Blade Runner games!

    1. Thank you kindly, Greg. I can certainly see why you'd want to own the Maria Mercurial figure. She'd fit in so well in a "Blade Runner" setting.

  5. That's a great selection of Sci-Fi female figures Bryan ;-)

  6. They all look great mate. Maria is certainly a lovely looking sculpt!

    1. Thank you, Simon. It is impossible not to fall in love with Maria!

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