
Thursday 6 June 2019

MC1 Citizens 07

Here are another four female citizens from Mega City One. These four 28mm scale figures were sculpted by me many years ago. Two of them are named NPCs whilst the other two are yet to be named.
At the far left is Mercedes Night. Mercedes is a private investigator who specialises in tracking down missing persons. She is carrying a torch in her right hand. Note that she is unarmed as she does not have a permit allowing her to carry restricted weapons. Although she can carry legally sanctioned weapons, she prefers not to.
Next up is Joanna Lubley, a blocker whose hobby is shopping for clothes, shoes, handbags and perfumes. When Games Workshop brought out the first Judge Dredd RPG in the 1980's they included a couple of sheets of cardboard NPCs for you to cut out and use in your games. One of those NPCs was Joanna and I based my sculpt on the picture of her.
Second from the right is another blocker, a citizen who spends her entire life in one city block. She is not based on any character that I'm aware of - she's just the product of my fertile imagination. In case you're wondering, those question marks on her jacket were drawn on her with a fine nibbed Rotring pen.
Finally, this brunette citizen was originally designed to be used in Cyberpunk games like Cyberpunk 2020 or Shadowrun, but of course she fits in just as well in Mega City One where I'll use her as a standard Citizen.


  1. Very impressive! Not only do you paint figures extremely well Bryan, you also sculpt figures extremely well...WOW! Do you do commission work? :-)

    1. Many thanks for the very kind words, Bub. Sadly, I don't do commission work. Indeed, it has been such a long time since I sculpted anything for myself, but I do enjoy converting figures.

  2. Wow a man of many talents Bryan, wonderful job :)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank. I used to do a lot of figure sculpting in the past.

  3. Really, really nice work Bryan.
    You normally only occasionally feature one or two of your own sculpts along with commercial offerings, so it's great to see a post featuring (nay, "showcasing") just your own work :-)

    1. That is so kind of you, Greg. Keep an eye out for my next post which showcases my male MC1 citizens that I sculpted.

  4. Fantastic work Bryan, on these and all your "Mega city citizens" (I'm a bit behind with my comments, sorry).

    Especially love the work on the last ladies fishnet stockings, wonderful detail work there!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. It's always nice to hear from you, Roger, so no apologies needed. Those fishnet stockings were drawn in with my fine-nibbed Rotring pen. Much easier than painting them.

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    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
