
Monday 10 June 2019

MC1 Citizens 08

In this post I'm showcasing three 28mm scale male Mega City One citizens, all of whom were sculpted by me. I've used them in other sci-fi games, as they are generic enough to be used in more than one sci-fi setting.
 The citizen at the far left serves a number of useful purposes. Is he just an ordinary shopper? Or is he something more sinister - a terrorist, perhaps? Is he carrying a bomb in his bags? Is that a real beard and moustache? Why the dark glasses and wide brimmed hat?
In the centre is the only named character out of this trio. He is Jon Kupishii, an office worker. He is carrying a briefcase and a folded up overcoat. Because he is keeping his head lowered, he might have a shady secret. Or maybe it's just a wise precaution because in a city with so many adults being unemployed, those with a job are often resented.
Finally is an anonymous shopper. This fashionable young man has been shopping for groceries at Mosgrove and Thrung, a well known department store (think Marks and Spencers), noted for their green bags with the distinctive white M&T logo.
I still have few more citizen types to show you but they'll keep for another time.


  1. Brian

    Long Long ago I purchased a box full of Dread figures you had sculpted, including many of the named Judges, the Angel Gang and more.

    Unfortunately, during an enforced clear out they were passed on, wish I still had them though.


    1. Thank you, Bert. I feel your pain, mate. It is always easy to be wise after the event. Personally, I hate getting rid of old figures. I always think, I may find a use for them sometime in the future but more often than not they just sit there collecting dust.

  2. Some shady desperadoes there Bryan. ;)

    1. They could be, Tom... or they could be totally innocent!

  3. They have all been shopping with their wives by the way they are loaded up !

    1. You'll not hear any arguments from me, Phil, LoL!

  4. Three wild and whacky characters there Bryan,well done with the sculpting.

    1. Many thanks, John. "Wild and whacky" is a perfect description of these three.

  5. Do people normally ware wide brim hats in Mega City One Bryan ? as if not from the little I know of Judge Dredd that in its self could be enough to get you shot :)
    I agree with John above 100%, well done mate.

    1. Much appreciated, Frank. To be honest, in MC1, anything goes as far as fashion is concerned. And I do mean "anything!" :-)

  6. Obviously innocent bystanders! Nice work on them all Bryan.

    1. Obviously! Nothing to see here. Just move along.

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    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
