
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Copplestone Castings Men in Black

Continuing on from my last post here are some more Men in Black figures. These five 28mmm scale figures are from Copplestone Castings Future Wars range and are set FW24 Men in Black.
At the far left  is an agent preparing to fire his pistol, which looks to be some sort of 9mm type. He is the most animated of all the figures in this set.
The agent standing next to him is also holding a pistol, but his is of a design I do not recognise. Perhaps it is some form of advanced ray gun with the ability to disintegrate, freeze or shrink. Who knows with these guys? And what's this? Uh-oh - fashion alert! He has his hair tied back in a ponytail! The shame of it!!!!
Next in line are two agents holding pump action shotguns. The agent with the black hair and glasses is walking, whilst his colleague (who unusually, is not wearing dark glasses) is just standing still.
Finally, is an agent armed with a 9mm sub-machine gun, that looks like an Uzi but isn't.
These five figures retail for £8.50 from Copplestone's webstore. Mark Copplestone is a really great sculptor and I like this set a lot. Whilst none of the figures are particularly outstanding, collectively, they make a nice addition to my pool of Men in Black.


  1. I like these figures a lot, they are fairly well proportioned and go together well,. I also like the fact that they're not too heavily armed.
    Just a thought though, have you named any of your MIB ?

    1. Thanks, Joe. They are very nicely proportioned and they aren't excessively armed, making them very useful for the likes of secret service agents or corporate security guards. I haven't named any of them yet. I might go with the Men in Black film concept and name them Agents A to Z.

    2. They are all called Mr Smith.

    3. That would be the easiest of all options, Clint.

  2. Great figures form a top sculptor, and a very nice paint job to boot :-) Some good reinforcements for your MiB there Bryan. Like them loads.

    1. I totally agree with you, Blax. This is a great set of figures with many uses.

  3. They all look great - kind of like Agents 001 to 005.

    1. That's a possibility as well, Dean. Although this lot would have to be Agents 006 to 010 as my last lot of Men in Black would be agents 001 to 005.

  4. Great job Bryan. I have this set and they are really nicely sculpted. Useful for all sorts of settings to!

    1. As I said, Simon, this is a very versatile set and you don't have to use them as Men in Black.

  5. Nice work on these mate there is something very passively aggressive about the lack of heavy fire-power makes you realise that they are so well trained that they don't need gimmicks.

    And Every one of them is called "Mr Smith." Each and everyone of them !

    1. Well, it looks like you have solved my naming problem, Clint. I quite agree about their level of training. They don't need heavy firepower... but just imagine if they did bring out the heavy stuff! Now there's a frightening thought!

  6. Great job Bryan!
    I really like Copplestones's stuff and they make great MiB Dude.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I've always been a big fan of Mark Copplestone's work.

  7. How the men in black can survive the apocalypse? I mean, their main duty of hiding the truth is gone once Humanity fall.
    Great painting and great figures.

    1. A zombie apocalypse won't faze the Men in Black, Cedric. They'll become even more secretive and hidden from view.

  8. I've always considered them to be secret service agents, but they do make wonderful Men in Black and they are as usual well painted.

    1. It's true, Robert, that these would make great Secret Service agents. You can just imagine them defending the president from a zombie horde.

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