
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Assorted Shadowforge Female Figures

I have a mixed bag for you today. These are three 28mm scale Shadowforge figures that I bought from the Grekwood Minis webstore. Sadly, they are no longer for sale on this site but I thought I'd show them anyway.
I'll start with the US Army medic, Diane Webster. I am sure some of you will object to the fact that she has left her tunic unbuttoned to reveal a very nice cleavage. And the brazen hussy is not wearing a bra. How dare she! If you'd seen this figure when I first bought her the prudes amongst you would have had a fit because she was wearing no trousers either! I have no problems with women showing off their bodies. My attitude is if you've got it, flaunt it, but just for once, I decided this was uncalled for. So I added a pair of trousers and knee-pads from Milliput. I could have covered up her cleavage as well, but decided not to. I must admit that I have no idea what she is holding in her right hand. Is it a pistol, and if so, what kind? Is that a scope-sight on top of the pistol or perhaps a laser sight? Or is it a dart gun? Or some kind of medical device that just looks like a weapon? My preference is for a dart gun firing tranquiliser darts. Note that I have painted her in the same camouflage scheme as my Black Scorpion US Army troops that I reviewed recently. She will be attached to that group.
In the centre of the group is Tatiana the vampire. I was delighted to get hold of her because of my love of vampires. I don't show nearly enough vampires on my blog. I must admit that when I first saw her my initial reaction was to paint her up as Vampirella. But I have a lot of Vampirella figures and whilst she is a close match she is not an exact match. So, she is Tatiana, an Eastern European vampire. Perhaps she hails from Transylvania. That would be so fitting. I am extremely pleased at how well I have painted her mouth. Her fangs are quite noticeable, which is exactly the effect I was after.
Finally, we come to Nina Chi, a sci-fi cop, who I think has a Manga vibe about her. I used to do a lot of sci-fi role-playing way back in the 1990's, and I ran a long-running GURPS Space campaign, and before that a Fantasy Games Unlimited Space Opera campaign. More recently, my sci-fi gaming has switched to Judge Dredd and it seems most likely that this is where I'll use Nina. She is armed with a big carbine/SMG, which could be some kind of energy weapon (blaster, perhaps) or a large calibre projectile weapon. She is just a really nice figure and although I have no immediate need or use for her, that didn't stop me buying her. Yes, I'm just as susceptible to "shinyitis" as any other figure collector.
I know that when Carl got these figures from Shadowforge to sell on his webstore that he didn't get  many of them. It is good for him that he sold all his stock and good for me that I was able to get them before they sold out, but it's not so good for you if you really want any of these lovely minis.


  1. Posted about 4:15 am. My God man!
    Another nice selection. I do like the camo on the army/marine medic and I am glad you have made the suitable changes to her appearance to suit a combat role and not a strip club. Nicely done on all three. And Judge dredd roleplaying, Yeah!

    1. I woke up at 3.00 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so I typed in today's blog post then. You're right about the medic. Originally she did look like a stripper.

      Judge Dredd role-playing totally rocks!

    2. I will do my zombie PBB game next. Start about Xmas. But no reason not to think of a JD Play by blog game!

    3. Now that could be a LOT of fun! Nice one, Clint!

  2. Yep ... definitely nice work on all three, but I love the camo design best.

    1. That camo scheme has proved to be very popular despite not being 100% accurate.

  3. You're such a tease, Bryan. You post three very nice looking miniatures with some lovely paintjobs... and then tell us then no-one else can get them!!! :-) Camo girl (holding a flare gun?) is also my fave but I agree that you've done a good job on making vampylady's fangs stand out. Great posting once again.

    1. In my defence I didn't say that you can't get them, just that Grekwood Minis no longer sells them. But you're right - I am such a tease!

      A flare gun? That's an interesting option I hadn't considered.

    2. Indeed you are. I'm now looking constantly for several minis on Ebay which you have posted and caught my attention with :-) As an aside I forgot to mention that Vampylady strikes me as being based upon Geena Davis' character from that appalling flick "Transylvania 6-5000".

    3. Oh my God! I remember watching that film. It WAS appalling, wasn't it? Your memory must be good if you can still remember it! I'd forgotten all about it.

  4. The early bird catches the worm.
    Lovely job Bryan, on all three. The camo's great but what tops it for me is Nina Chi's arse, great stuff. I'm sure you could shoehorn them in as survivors somewhere.

    1. I quite agree with your comments about Nina's arse, Bob. It's just peachy!

  5. All good looking figures for several genres, though I particularly like the medic and your additions to he, I do though think a t-shirt would have been in order too, but each to their own as you say.

    1. Actually, Joe, that's a very good idea about giving Diane a T-shirt. I think I'll do that. Thanks for that useful hint. See, I can show restraint!

  6. I agree entirely with Clint about the clothing on the medic: she's much more appropriately-dressed for her job than before (and it's *not* about being prudish either, just about plausibility).

    Oh, I think I've identified the device in her hand as well: isn't it a price-labelling machine, such as any supermarket floor worker would recognise :-) ?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. I love your suggestion about her "gun." LOL!

    2. I think C6 has it wrong, it's obviously an M1 cordless hair-dryer (standard issue to female personnel)

    3. Ha, ha, ha! These suggestions are getting better and better!

  7. Nice work on them all Bryan. The additions of fatigues to Diane makes her so much more better than the orginial. As for the pistol it can be whatever you want it to be. I'd of been tempted to swap it out though.

    1. Thanks, Simon. Another good suggestion for her pistol. I certainly have plenty of spares I could give her.

  8. Ah you do have the Shadowforge vampire! Nice doing with her paint job. That is an impressive conversion for Diane a figure I never bought because I thought is was too cheese cake. You still need my personal favorites from Shadowforge Laura the cop (she's wearing a full uniform so no additions needed) and the homicidal domestic a gun toting, knife wielding , karate kicking French maid.

    1. Thanks, Robert. I've just checked on the Grekwood Minis webstore and Sandra (not Laura) the LAPD cop and Mia the maid are both still available. Looks like I'll placing a new order soon.

  9. Nice paintjob Bryan, I think the medic looks a lot better with your additions. I have to agree with Colgar, it is not being prudish, I don't mind hooker being half naked, but would a sci-fi police woman really wear a thong? :D

    1. Who could say? It's sci-fi. Who knows what the future holds? We use our imaginations to tell stories we want to tell. In our worlds, what we say goes. The beauty of role-playing games is that they give us the opportunity to let our imaginations run riot. In your world, you may prefer everyone to be fully clothed. In my world, people may generally wear revealing costumes. Who is right and who is wrong? Neither. I simply bought the figure because I liked it. What's wrong with that?
