
Sunday 23 November 2014

Crooked Dice Doctor Who Figures 02

I recently finished painting three Crooked Dice Games 28mm scale Doctor Who companions, although for copyright reasons, CDG has renamed them. These were a lot of fun to paint.
First up is Daisy Taylor, whom Doctor Who fans will instantly recognise as Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper). She has been sculpted in a very casual pose, standing with her hands on her hips.
In the centre of the group is Miss Freeman, who appeared as Martha Jones (as played by Freema Agyeman) in the Doctor Who series. She is also standing in a casual pose with her arms crossed.
Finally, is May Killan, who is better known to Doctor Who fans as Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan). This is CDG's second sculpt of May/Amy. The first one had her dressed up a Woman Police Constable with a night stick. This figure is much more casually attired and she has been sculpted in a walking pose with her hands in her coat pockets.
I imagine that most people would buy these figures to use as Doctor Who companions. But they work equally well as normal civilians and civilians are a lot like zombies - you can never have too many of them. Each one costs £4.00 from the CDG webstore.


  1. These are really nice sculpts and unarmed too, as befits Dr. Who companions, I'm guessing You've done a great job on their faces and jeans - very impressive.

    1. Many thanks, Joe. I thoroughly enjoyed painting them and I think it shows.

  2. Great stuff Bryan. You know I like my "Crooked Dice" minis :-) Cracking job on the painting too. I must confess I'm not a fan of either of CD's May Killan sculpts - the WPC one is a little too large and this one a little too thin. But you've painted her well. I especially like your Miss Freeman. The purple with her skin tone goes together really well (imho).

    1. Thanks, Blax. I'm a big fan of Crooked Dice as well. This version of May Killan Is a tad on the thin side but that really doesn't bother me at all. I think she's a lovely mini. The purple on Martha has come out very well, but I was more pleased with my denim effects for her and Rose.

  3. You've done well on all three of these. Should I admit that I had not made the Dr Who Connection.... I guess I am not as smart as I like to think I am. I think I am not attached to this new era Dr Who, Guess that is an age thing!That aside I am interested in all of these figures and not for Dr Who. (well maybe as well)!!! Good work mate.

    1. If you're not into the new Doctor Who stuff, Clint, then these will go straight over your head. But, we do agree these make mighty fine generic civilians... and why not?

  4. I like them! Well painted again Bryan. I am actually not a big Whovian, but I know a bit of the geekeness to it.

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I am a big fan of Doctor Who. Always have been and always will be. I really don't mind the geekiness of the shows at all. I'm a geek and quite proud of that fact.

  5. Very nice. I think the subtle black-lining is working very well indeed on these 3 models.

    1. Thanks, Hugh. My painting skills have improved a lot since getting my cataracts removed. My black lining is now much thinner and sharper.

  6. Nicely done Bryan. Great unarmed civilians for any modern game as well.

    1. My thoughts exactly, Simon. You don't have to use them in a Doctor Who game.

  7. Fantastic job Bryan! Lovely flesh tones again and that black lining is superb.
    Always handy having a few unarmed civilians about Dude!

    1. As I said, Bob, you can never have too many civilians. These fit the bill just perfectly.

  8. The crooked Dice sculpts are very nice and you're correct Bryan you can never have enough zombie bait er... civilians.

    1. Ha, ha, ha! I think you were right first time, Robert. Zombie bait, indeed!

  9. Terrific job with these figures. Well done. You've caught the look of the DW characters they represent but they'd do just as well in any modern/zeds game.

    1. Many thanks, Michael. I appreciate your compliments and comment.

  10. A great set of civilians, but also awesome for Doctor fans as well. Excellent job on them all, but I really like Daisy/rose. Great fig, great paint job.

  11. Nice paint job Bryan, I think those must be the best you've shown us in a while. I really like the last one's face for some reason.

    1. Thanks very much, Mathyoo. I'm very happy with how all of them have turned out and I'm hard pressed to choose a favourite.

  12. These look like very nice sculpts and the paint job on them is great too.

  13. I want her for Blakes 7. I`m not just going too stick with the six freedom fighters and an arrogant portable computer 6+1 = 7: I want to ad my own heroes to the mix. The Amy Pond figures looks perfect to represent meeeee in my games.

    1. I see no reason not to change the make up of Blake's Seven and adding your own heroes to the mix makes sense. Using the figure of Amy Pond as you? Now there's an intriguing thought!
