
Sunday 30 November 2014

Vampifan's Views 58 - Monthly Musings 36

Vampirella and Dracula by Dan Brereton
November has been a very exciting month for me. In October 2013, I backed a Kickstarter project for the Mars Attacks game, along with a shed-load of extras. This took place a mere month after I had been discharged from a four month stay in hospital and I felt a bit of retail therapy would cheer me up. I made a very big pledge (about £200), despite the fact that I'm not really interested in Mars Attacks. I was not a fan of the film or of the Martian invaders. So why make a pledge for it at all? Simple. The human forces (civilian survivors and military forces) coupled with some great scenery items made this an excellent source of material to use in a zombie apocalypse game. I mention all of this because earlier this month I finally received everything I had ordered from Mantic Games, the producers of Mars Attacks. I knew I was in for a long wait for all of the stuff to be made and then shipped, but I'm a patient person and I didn't mind the wait. My order arrived in a very big box and it was like Christmas Day opening the box and admiring all of the goodies within. The miniatures are made of hard plastic and are very compatible with the figures found in Zombicide, which was a big bonus. The human survivors and US Army soldiers are excellent. I even like the Martians, despite my initial apathy.

Mars Attacks scenery items - so cool!
I ordered a load of scenery items to go with the game, including seven resin cast vehicles, five of which are wrecks and two that are intact and drivable. I also ordered a lot of scenery items, like ruined walls and an assortment of street furniture. All of these minis are crying out to be used in a zombie apocalypse game. The actual rulebooks for the game are nicely produced and easy to learn. This is, at heart, a simple skirmish game. Unusually, it uses eight sided dice for all dice rolls. Whether I ever play it or not remains to be seen but there is no doubt at all that I will use many of the minis in future games. Overall, I was very happy with what I got.
Components from the Mars Attacks boxed set. Note that everything comes unpainted.
In most other months, this would be my big news story, but not this month. For the past six years my over-riding passion has been for zombie gaming. The vast majority of my hobby time has been spent collecting, making and painting figures and scenery to use in zombie apocalypse games. Some of you have asked me, do I not fancy a change? My stock answer has always been, no, I'm very happy concentrating on zombie gaming. I do have other interests that have tempted me away from zombie gaming. Judge Dredd and Wild West skirmish gaming immediately spring to mind. Something happened at the start of this month that has changed my life in a most unexpected fashion. I have indeed, diversified away from zombie gaming, but not in the way I could ever have envisaged. My new passion is for Super Dungeon Explore (hereafter to be referred as SDE) by Soda Pop Miniatures.
Vampifan with Super Dungeon Explore and the Von Drakk Manor expansion set.
I have been a fan of fantasy gaming all of my adult life but in the 1990's I became disillusioned with the genre (Games Workshop had a LOT to do with my disillusionment) and so my interest in fantasy gaming has lain dormant. Gone but not forgotten. What brought about this seismic change in me was a conversation with my good friend, Steve Gilbert. I had introduced him to Zombicide, for which he was eternally grateful. He, in turn, introduced me to SDE. He suspected I might like it and he was right. I might have passed on the game if I hadn't seen the expansion sets for it. One in particular caught my attention - Von Drakk Manor. Vampires and undead - oh joy! - how could I resist? 
This month I have fully immersed myself in painting the figures from the basic boxed set. It comes with fifty 28mm scale figures consisting of 9 Heroes, 1 Dragon (very impressive!), 2 Kobold Ogres (huge), 2 Dragon Wyrmlings, 2 Dragon Whelps, 4 Dragon Hatchlings (2 per base), 22 Kobolds, 2 Boo Booty Treasure Monsters, 5 Treasure Chests and 5 Spawning Point Models. The figures will appeal to some of you, whilst others will hate them. They are based on Japanese Chibi characters. Chibi is Japanese for a short or diminutive person but amongst anime fans it means a person with a small body and a large head. They also have big eyes and small mouths. If you prefer characters who look realistic then you will not like these figures. I don't mind the anime style and I actually have a few Manga films in my DVD collection, along with some Manga graphic novels. What I have discovered with these Chibi miniatures is that because the heads take up roughly half the size of the figure, I can put a lot more detail into painting them than on a normal realistically scaled 28mm scale figure.
For far too long I have resisted the urge to diversify but I now realise that was a mistake. I needed this change. Because I am doing something SO different to anything I have ever done in my life before, my enthusiasm for this project is sky high. I also think the paint jobs I'm doing are the best I have ever done. This has been like a breath of fresh air for me and I'm fully embracing it. But best of all, I am fully enjoying painting these new figures. Not that I wasn't enjoying painting zombies and survivors - far from it. What better reason can there be for collecting and painting figures because we like them?
SDE is different to anything I've done before. It harks back to the old days of Dungeons and Dragons but has been given a modern twist. It is a simple fight between good and evil but most of all, it is fun. The game is meant to be played with 2 to 6 players but I know it can be played solo just as well. I haven't played it yet because I hate playing any game with unpainted minis. I'm roughly two thirds of the way through painting the 50 figures from the basic set. Expect lots of SDE related reviews and posts in 2015.
If you think my zombie gaming has come to an end, think again. I'm going to concentrate on SDE for the next couple of months but in the new year I will return to zombie gaming with a vengeance and with renewed enthusiasm. This is just a short break for me, albeit a most welcome and well earned break. After six years of painting hordes of zombies and survivors, I needed this break, so don't judge me too harshly.
Despite me saying I needed this break I haven't completely abandoned my zombie gaming. Remember I showed you some Stoelzel's SUVs I had recently made? I made one as a yellow SUV in honour of the heroes' vehicle from the film, Zombieland. Quite frankly, I was embarrassed by it. It was badly painted and fell far below my usual high standards. Well, I'm pleased to say it has had a major overhaul. I have converted it so it is now an almost exact copy of the Zombieland SUV. It has had a new paint job, which is much neater and it looks great! I'll post pics of it soon.


  1. Nice to see a bit of diversity. Sci Fi and Fantasy. I really hope you enjoy both. I know I shall enjoy watching you complete certain figures and await the dragons and Kobolds with much interest.

    1. I have now come to realise that diversity is good, Clint. For far too long I resisted. You'll be pleased to know I have finished painting my Dragon figures and I'm working on the Kobolds right now. The Kobold Ogres are frighteningly impressive!

  2. Excellent posting Bryan and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what you do with your SDE models... though I'm rather eager to see the SUV too :-) Like you I loathe playing games with unpainted minis but from what I hear about those that have played SDE the wait will be worth it. Roll on 2015 - The Year of the Kobold :-)

    1. Thanks, mate. Yes, I am looking forward to playing SDE with a full set of painted minis. I'm not sure if I'd call 2015 the Year of the Kobold. Probably it'll be the Year of the Chibis.

      I think you'll like my new improved yellow SUV. It's had a lot of work done to it.

  3. Nice haul. It is very nice to receive a ks package when you've been waiting for such a long time to get you mitts on them. I have a few members of my painting group on facebook who have painted up a fair few SDE figures and they do look great.

    1. I totally agree, Simon. The Mars Attacks package was most welcome. I'd forgotten just how much stuff I'd ordered for it.
      SDE is a massive change for me. I am having way too much fun painting the figures.

  4. Love the Mars Attacks scenery and figures Bryan. I think I'm going to have to question your sanity with SDE decision. Chibi's, WTF, more zombies are what is needed Dude.

    1. Much of my Mars Attacks stuff is just crying out to be used in a zombie game, Bob.

      Ha, ha, don't worry about my sanity. SDE is a change of pace for me and a very welcome change. But have no fear. There is no way I could give up my passion for collecting the biggest horde of 28mm scale zombies possible. As I said, I will return to painting zombies early in 2015.

  5. Change is Good! I'll credit you and the WWG forum for starting me on PDF( too much fun), Ray and Fran for blogging, Ray and Fran( again)plus Clint and Curt for the Painting Challenge, and last but not least the internet for 15mm SciFi!
    Even as I played battle tech, traveler, and GW; I always wanted my own Alien Legion. I finally got them and Nomad squad and friends will be among my first 15mm minis to hit my painting queue! ;)

    1. What a lovely comment, David. Thanks for the compliment. Yes, change is good. I'm glad I was able to play a small part in your enjoyment of our wonderfully diverse hobby. Good for you for finally getting your beloved Alien Legion. I share your happiness.

  6. My this is a change! I'm not a big fan of chibi's but I agree trying different things is good and the Mars Attacks stuff looks very promising.

    1. I fully understand that Chibi figures won't be to everyone's taste but I like them this change of direction has given me a massive boost. As for Mars Attacks, there is so much good stuff I haven't shown yet. Perhaps another, longer post is in order.

  7. Ah, don't tempt me! SDE is something that keeps appearing on my radar, though so far I've resisted. Still, what a lot of toys you now have to paint!

    1. Hugh, SDE is a great game for any parent to play with their kids. Even little girls will love this. SDE is a game that can be played by all of the family. As you rightly say, I have lots of new stuff to paint. The lead and plastic mountains get even bigger - sigh!

  8. You've got enough there to keep you off the streets for a long time.

    1. You're not wrong there, Joe. Keeps me out of mischief, eh?

  9. I am really interested to see how the painted miniatures will look like, Bryan. I think they really fit your painting style, but I'd be dreaded to paint the eyes, I just know it!

    Change is good, it really is, but the problem is that sometimes, if you let a drop in, a whole wave of changes starts rushing in. And this is bad :D.

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. Yes, the SDE figures are a perfect fit for my painting style. Eyes are always tricky to get right but with these I have really excelled myself. Big heads with big eyes meant I HAD to get them right. I'll be posting lots of SDE pictures in the new year so you can judge for yourself.

      A little change is fine but there is no fear of me diversifying too much. I'll always come back to painting zombies and doing stuff for my zombie apocalypse campaign.

  10. The MA terrain looks great, what card terrain are you working on next? I know you were thinking about Colossus

    1. Thanks, Shinto. I am still working on finishing my conversion of the iconic Zombieland SUV. It is just about finished now. The next building I plan on making will be the Stoelzel's Farmhouse. I want it to go with the Barn I made recently. Colossus is high on my "to do" list. As is Scott Manor.

  11. Can't wait to see how SDE works out. Taking a break from the zombie apocalypse may help inspire you when you start it back up. Can't wait to see what you do with SDE, it looks interesting...

    1. I'm sure the break from the zombie apocalypse will do me good, Nobody667. I expect it will inspire me to return to it with renewed energy and enthusiasm. SDE is a whole different world. I have read a lot of highly favourable comments about it and I'm very keen to play it.
