
Sunday 16 November 2014

EM4 Men in Black

And so I come to the last of my three reviews of my collection of Men in Black figures. These five figures are all produced by EM4 Miniatures and if you think they look very similar to my five Copplestone Castings Men in Black that I reviewed last time you'd be right because Mark Copplestone also sculpted these. He made these way back in time when he worked for Grenadier Miniatures. However, when Grenadier went belly up, EM4 acquired their moulds and production rights. When Mark set up Copplestone Castings he  remade a lot of his old Grenadier figures but in slightly modified form so whilst they looked similar, they weren't exact copies. A clever move, in my opinion, as it allows us collectors to own two sets of lovely Copplestone goodness.
First in line is an agent firing his 9mm pistol. I like this pose as he looks very aggressive. Note the headphones and microphone he's wearing.
Next to him is another agent armed with a 9mm pistol. He is taking a cautious approach. Note that neither of the pistol armed agents are wearing sunglasses.
The next three figures are all armed with 9mm sub-machine guns. The figure in the centre of the group appears to be the leader from his pose. He is also equipped with a radio headset.
To his left is a very muscular looking African/American agent. With his bald head and surly expression, he looks to be one tough dude.
The last agent in line holds his sub-machine gun in a two-handed grip as he makes a threat assessment. He's on the alert for any danger.
As with the five Copplestone Castings Men in Black that I reviewed last time, these are a very nice group of figures, not excessively armed, and all nicely posed and sculpted. You can find these figures on the EM4 website under the Unpainted Metal Future Skirmish Suits range.They are listed as Ref 054 to 058 and they cost £1.50 each.


  1. Another great MiB posting, Vampifan :-) I always find Mark Copplestone sculpts to be very nice simply because their poses are usually so understated and natural; not excessively animated like so many of the models I see these days. I did understand however that EM4's minis are slightly smaller than Mark's newer figures. Is that right as far as your MiB collection is concerned?

    1. Thanks again, Blax. I can confirm that the EM4 figures and the Copplestone Castings are EXACTLY the same size! How cool is that?

    2. That is almost as cool as your blog :-)

    3. That good? Wow! You honour me, sir!

  2. Nice work on these also. I must admit I really like the uzi wielding guys it fits well with the concealed weapons look they usually have.

    1. I agree. Plus, the Uzis are perfectly in keeping if you use these as Secret Service agents or corporate security personnel.

  3. Another great set of Copplestone castings, beautifully proportioned and very usable in many roles. Interesting that their are two without the almost obligaory sunglasses though - perhaps they're probationers)

    1. Thanks, Joe. You're right to say that the sunglasses are almost obligatory. It is surely de rigeur for these guys to wear sunglasses.

  4. Nice additions. I suspect you have enough MIBs now. But what do I know. I do like these and at that price I like them even better.

    Nice work mate.

    1. These are the last of my Men in Black, Clint. Well, at least for the moment. If I can add to them, I will.

  5. Lovely job Bryan.
    MiB are excellent antagonists in most situations. These guys are nicely armed too, not too heavy but enough for crowd control.
    Hope to see them in a batrep soon dude!
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks, Bob. I'd love to use them in one of my batreps. Watch this space!

  6. That's a nice collection of MiB, Bryan. Especially now that they got their wheels, too!

  7. You can never have enough suits, bikers or zombies, right :-) ?

  8. Simple colours done very well. Nice!

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