
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Stoelzel's Structures SUVs

I recently made my first vehicles produced by Stoelzel's Structures - five SUVs. SUV stands for Sports Utility Vehicle and these have been on my "to do" list for a long time. I was delighted to see that Carl had included the SUV in his Auto Park set, as I had a very specific use for a number of these vehicles. I wanted a fleet of them to transport my Men in Black (see my previous three posts). I was just going to make four of them, but after a chat with my friend Mathyoo, he asked if I'd be making a yellow SUV as well? I knew I wanted my MiB vehicles to be black and was curious to know why he asked about a yellow SUV. He replied that the heroes used a yellow SUV in the film Zombieland. How could I have forgotten? He was right! Technically speaking, they drove a civilian Humvee but it does look very like Carl's SUV. So I ended up making five SUVs and here they are.
Vampifan has just got out of the yellow SUV to face down my full complement of Men in Black (still in their vehicles). Does he have a death wish? In truth, he's only here to give a sense of scale to the models. When I printed out my yellow SUV, I did not like how the yellow came out. It was far too dull and very dark. So I repainted all the yellow bits with Foundry acrylic paints in a mix of lemon, yellow and light orange. I'm much happier with this colour scheme, although I need to touch it up in a few places, which I'll point out below.
The four SUVs have had their roofs painted a nice solid black. They looked too grey to me but now you can tell straightaway that these are black SUVs.
The trickiest part of making these SUVs was with the front windscreen. For all the card vehicles I have previously made the windscreen has been flat. Carl, however, decided his models should have curved windscreens. No question about it, this is more realistic, however, it does present a challenge if you like to reinforce your models as I do. I like to reinforce my card vehicles with 2mm thick mounting card. This does not bend well, so for the windscreens I reinforced them with thin card. It still strengthened them and also allowed me to bend them into shape. The windscreens were undoubtedly the trickiest and fiddliest part of the vehicle to make. I have to admit that some of my windscreens came out better than others but overall, I managed okay with them all.
The black lines that I painted on the side of my yellow SUV are far too thick and messy. I shall rectify my mistake soon. I still remain undecided about whether to paint a number three on the two front doors of my yellow SUV as per the Zombieland SUV (see photo below).
Until I saw this photo I hadn't realised I had smudged some yellow paint on the rear window of the SUV to the left. That's another mistake that needs cleaning up. You could argue that they should all have different number plates but be honest, when you see these on a gaming table who on earth is going to notice their number plates? It doesn't bother me and it shouldn't bother you.
The comments I made about my paintwork on the opposite side of the yellow SUV apply equally to this side. I am normally a much neater painter than this and I'm not happy with my sloppy paint work. It bugs me so much that I will clean up my mess.
As I mentioned in the intro, I had never made a Stoelzel's Structures vehicle before. The Auto Park set contains a car sales room, car wash and garage repair shop as well as 10 different types of vehicle, each with a minimum of 10 different colour schemes. Great value for money for just £5.74. The curved windscreen will cause a problem to newbie modellers but other than that, construction is pretty straight forward. For a long time now I have wanted a fleet of black SUVs and there was never any doubt that they'd be the first vehicles I made from Carl's excellent set. I plan on making a lot more vehicles from this set in the future.
Here is the Humvee as used in Zombieland, with Wichita (Emma Stone) by the front door. It is not the same as Carl's SUV but it is a close match. I might modify mine to make it an even closer match. After all, I have three of the four heroes from the film already (Columbus, Tallahassee and Wichita). Do you think I should go the whole hog and convert it into the Zombieland SUV? My feelings are that I should. Then I can at least, rephotograph it with a cleaned up paint job!


  1. Now your MIB can travel in comfort. Not a fan of card vehicles. Because I know in my club they would most likely get stamped on. Not on purpose but by accident. It would mean me re making them each time they went to the club though.

    Should you make the one in Zombieland....of course. But only if you do some road trip scenarios!

    1. Thanks, Clint. The way I build my card models they can handle a LOT of punishment. The trick is to reinforce them.

      I'm now 99.99% certain that i will be converting the yellow SUV into the "Zombieland" vehicle.

  2. They look well and a nice review, think I will be adding these to the list as I've just started playing Zed or alive and one of the scenarios requires 3d6+ abandoned vehicles on a highway
    for looting.

    1. I'd also recommend checking out the vehicles that World Works games make, Darren. Many of them have featured on my blog. just click on the tab "Card Vehicles" at the top of the page to see all the card vehicles I have made so far.

  3. As a sign of complete 'card naivety' I actually scrolled down to see where the card vehicles were, believing the first few pics to be of plastic kits. I didn't think for a second you could get wheels on these things, and just imagined you photographing rectangular boxes. Doh!! Does this mean we'll be having a MiB vs Zombies AAR sometime soon :-)

    1. To be fair, Blax, a few other people have left comments thinking my card model vehicles look too good to be just card models. Card vehicles will never be as good as die-cast vehicles but they are much cheaper and I think they look pretty darned good.

      MiBs vs Zombies, is something I'd love to do but I can't promise it will happen soon.

  4. Great job Bryan they all have turned out great. They Yellow SUV is superb its needs a number painting on the side though!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I plan on doing a lot more work on the yellow SUV. It WILL have the number 3 painted on its front doors.

  5. Really nice SUV's Bryan. A great fleet for your MiB squads.
    You know you have to paint numbers on the yellow one, right!
    Carl's kit sounds like great value for money Dude!

    1. Cheers, Bob. Yes, I will paint numbers on my yellow SUV. Consider what I have shown now as a work in progress. Carl's kit is indeed great value for money. It is crammed full of good stuff.

  6. Nice addition to your current load of paper cars. And now you can play the black SUVs convoy like in Resident Evil 2.

  7. They look good (a little too grey for my liking though).
    I do wonder why you felt the need to paint them as I can'r recollect you having done this before on your card vehicles.

    1. I already mentioned why I repainted them in my review, Joe. The black SUVs looked too grey and I didn't like the shade of yellow on the yellow SUV.

  8. You cannot have enough SUV's, those are damn nice Bryan.

    1. Very true, Fran - you can never have too many. Just like zombies, eh?

  9. Thanks for posting up another lovely set of builds. Well done again, as always. Can't wait to see them in use.

    1. Thanks, Carl. I've started work on converting the yellow SUV much further. I really want to use these vehicles in a batrep, so I hope to do one soon.

  10. I loved Zombieland ... nice to see an ode to the movie here.

    1. I have extensively remodeled the yellow SUV. It looks much more like the Zombieland SUV now. Pics will appear soon.

  11. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
