
Sunday 21 February 2016

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Berserker Female Walkers 01

My last group of Berserker Zombies to show you from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak set are the female Walkers. For some reason, they outnumber the male Berserker Zombies. I'll start with this lot, all of whom were prison inmates.
The four female Berserker Walkers shown directly above came from the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak supplement. The two at the left of the group are straight from the box sculpts. I gave them differing colours for their hair and panties.
For the two at the right of the group I drilled a hole through the chest of one to show she had been shot. There is a massive exit wound between her shoulder blades. For the female Walker at the far right I chopped off her left arm just above the elbow. Again, they have different coloured hair and panties.
These three female Berserker Walkers came from the Box of Zombies - Set 3: Angry Zombies. They are based on the sculpts shown above and all three have been converted by me.
The one at the far left has had her left arm repositioned so that her hand is clutching at her stomach. The Walker in the centre has been shot in the neck, as shown by the hole I drilled through her. Finally, the female at the far right has had my trademark guts spilling from a huge stomach wound conversion done to her.
These five female Berserker Walkers are unique sculpts not found in the Zombicide: Prison Outbreak boxed set. The three at the left of the group came from the Box of Zombies - Set 3: Angry Zombies, whilst the two at the right were free stretch goals I received for backing the Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter project. The female Berserker Walker at the far left has had her left arm repositioned so it is pointing down more than usual. Note the large bite on her upper left arm, which I made to make the bending of the limb that much easier. The next Walker in line has had her left arm bitten off. The wound is far too ragged to be a clean cut from a sword or axe. This was achieved by adding and shaping a very small amount of Milliput.
The remaining three female Berserker Walker Zombies have not been converted at all. The one in the centre looks like she is stuffing her intestines back inside her stomach but this is just done by a clever piece of painting. Ditto for the Walker to her left. For the two females at the far right I decided to cover up their bare breasts and gave them short wraparound tops. It was difficult to decide if these females should be bare breasted or not. On the one hand, none of them show any nipples. I had to paint them on. However, neither are there any obvious marks to show them wearing any form of clothing on their upper bodies. So what to do? To bare or not to bare? Nudity doesn't bother me so I favoured the topless option in most cases. Your tastes may differ.
Next time - female prison guards and another fast food restaurant employer. No nudity either!


  1. I must say they are quite splendid.

  2. Good grief Bryan!! You've clearly been a veritable painting machine over the past few weeks. I'd struggle to paint this number as is, let alone perform all the numerous conversions you've found the time for. Drilling, bending, milli-put and your wonderful trademark intestines all make these beauties a real sight for the eyes... and then there's all the little brushwork detail such as red spots on the white panties and boob tubes. Terrific stuff Bryan, and I do hope we'll see these bevy of beauties in one of your wonderful BatReps at some point soon. looking forward to the Prison Guards :-)

    1. I have been a busy bunny, haven't I? Converting figures, especially plastic figures, is such a rewarding part of the hobby. With so many sculpts being identical it became something I simply HAD to do.

      I am so chuffed someone spotted the red spots on one of the prisoners' panties. As for the female prison guards I feel I have kept the best till last! Oh, and a batrep with my Berserker Zombies and Toxic Zombies is definitely on my "to do" list.

  3. These are all ace a lot of boobage on show at Vampitowers today :) Nice paint work on the boob tube as well it gives more variety for sure.

    1. Cheers, Simon. I think a bit of variety is a good thing, especially when dealing with so many identical sculpts.

  4. Great painting and conversions once again Bryan! Definitely achieving machine like status on the production front Dude. It would be great to see these lovely ladies in action.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I definitely want to do a batrep with all of my Berserker Zombies.

  5. What a delightful bunch! Topless zombies is not a good look. Utterly repulsive. What else do you want from zombies?

    1. I agree, Clint. Topless, or even nude, zombies is not a good look in most cases. I make an exception, however,for Zombie Tramp, one of my favourite comic characters. But she's no normal zombie.

  6. Hahaha I thought you'd written zombie Trump on your reply to Clint, I think a zombie would be an improvement on the live version.....

    You sure are getting your paint on Bryan, lots of zeds being churned out. Now let's see that painting power being put to some practical batrep goodness! It's about time the katana wielding, t shirt wearing fat man got back into slaying those deadheads....

    1. I'm not sure what species Donald Trump is but I don't recognise him as being human! Yes, a zombie would be an improvement on him!

      Ah, my alter ego, Vampifan. He WILL be returning in a brand new series of adventures later this year. I can assure you of that. But before then I have a few other batreps planned, starting off with one for 7TV2e.

    2. Definitely not human, what an evil sh** he is...

      Ooh can't wait for 7TV2e batreps :-)

    3. The Pope summed him up perfectly when he said that Trump is not a Christian. The man's a complete and utter waste of skin! God help the world if he becomes the next president of the USA!

      Yes, a 7TV2e batrep coming next month. I'm VERY excited about it as it's something I've wanted to do for a very long time but was just waiting for the right set of rules to come along.

  7. Half-nekkid zombie checks...With their panties on show. Not sure if I should be repulsed or...let's go with repulsed. Lovely work, Bryan.

    1. Probably wise to go with repulsed, Jez. Thanks for the compliment.
