
Monday 16 May 2016

Killer B Games Civilians 01

This is the first of two posts looking at most of the civilian figures produced by Killer B Games, which I plan on using in my games of 7TV2e. In this post I'm reviewing four adult male civilians. In my next post I'll be taking a look at three young males and three adult females. Once again, I have not got round to naming any of these 28mm scale figures.
The gentleman at the far left is rather cheekily referred to as KB034 Bearded Git on the Killer B Games website. He does look like a shifty-looking, untrustworthy character. He will be making an appearance in my first 7TV2e batrep as a Neutral Bystander Extra.
The Elvis Presley fan smoking a cigarette is KB057 Pub Landlord. Killer B Games had him painted with blond hair on their website but I decided to give him black hair as he reminded me of Elvis. Although described as a pub landlord you could use him in a number of roles. I see him as some sort of Derek Trotter "wide-boy".
The guy who is second from the right is KB054 Slob Scratching his 'Arris. He could well be Rab C. Nesbitt's twin brother with his string vest, surly expression and rolled up newspaper. The fact that he is scratching his backside adds loads of character to him, although probably not in a complimentary manner!
Finally, is KB039 Clever Geezer with Bag. He does look like a scholarly type, possible a university lecturer or a headmaster or perhaps a corporate manager. He will also be making an appearance in my upcoming 7TV2e batrep as the wealthy owner of a chain of fast food restaurants and hence, the target of a vicious gang of criminals. He'll be a Neutral Administrator Extra.
Each one of these civilian characters cost £2.00 from the Killer B Games webstore. I like them a lot!


  1. They are so cool! Love the string vest guy, so Rab.... :-)

  2. The Elvis man looks like the likable `dim` inmate from Shawshank Redemption who our hero helps pass his English exam.

    1. Good call, Hil. "Shawshank Redemption" is one of my all-time favourite movies.

  3. Great stuff Bryan, and more "Killer B" goodness to try and tempt me with. I'm certainly planning on getting the clever geezer once my first order arrives... surely that's Mister Kidd from "Diamonds Are Forever" with the very gems on him in that bag!?! I'm going to be looking for a Mr Wint now :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. Once again I failed to see the connection but now that you've pointed it out you're spot on. He is Mr. Kidd.

  4. Very nice, Bryan. Your posts are tempting me - I've been trying to work out if the capped armed coppers could, with a suitable paint job, pass for American police, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of them about in 28mm...

    1. I think they could, Jez. Go for it, I'd say. I have a few American cops in caps, but not many.

  5. Hah, I've got a couple of these! They're very nice, aren't they? Some are really tied to the 1970s (or for the odd character who's still living in the '70s even several decades later :-) ). However, I'm especially fond of the more timeless figures such as the slob; he could be used in many countries over many time periods.

    1. I totally agree with you, Hugh. Some are timeless and some are very much rooted in the 1970's. Great figures, in my opinion.

  6. These are some interesting characters. I can see them being useful in many different scenarios and genres. I like the old geezer the most, he could be so many different possible characters. So useful. Your painting is top-notch, as always! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Very nice Bryan they will fill out the cast nicely. I think in more narrated game then the will look great just blundering around the table.

    1. Thanks, Simon. Blundering around the board is what they do best!
