
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Ral Partha Lakota Sioux

The Sioux are groups of Native American tribes and First Nations peoples in North America. The term can refer to any group within the Great Sioux Nation or to any of the nation's many language dialects. The Sioux comprise three major divisions based on language divisions - the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota. The Dakota reside in the extreme east of the Dakotas, Minnesota and northern Iowa. The Nakota are considered to be the middle Sioux and they mainly reside in Minnesota, Montana as well as Western Canada. The Lakota, also known as the Teton Sioux, are the westernmost tribe, and are known for their hunting and warrior culture. In any of the three main dialects, Lakota or Dakota translates to mean "friend" or "ally", referring to the alliance that once bound the Great Sioux Nation.
The Lakota Sioux took part in numerous wars including Red Cloud's War (1866-68), the Great Sioux War of 1876, which included amongst others, the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890.
I have slowly been building up a collection of Plains Indians from numerous companies but the four 28mm scale figures I'm showcasing here were bought many years ago in the 1990's and were actually created for the near future Shadowrun game. That said, they are sculpted in such a way that they fit in perfectly in an Old West setting of the late 19th century.
At the far left is White Eagle, a Lakota tribal chief, who is wearing a buffalo skin head dress and cloak. He is armed with a coup stick and a knife. He is Jackson Ryder's adoptive father. He is a quiet, thoughtful man with a stoic exterior, although in recent years he has become more relaxed. He became leader early in his life, and now, not even 50, he has led the band for more than 15 years. Although a fine warrior and hunter, he is anticipating the toll that age will take on him and has been looking for a worthy successor. Against all the odds, he believes he has found one in his adoptive son, Splits Arrow. He worries that because he is white, the tribe will not accept Jackson as chief.
Next up, is Jackson Ryder, aka Splits Arrow, a white man who was raised by White Eagle when Jackson was orphaned as a child. Ryder is a character from GURPS Robin Hood, who is a reincarnation of Robin. In this supplement you can play Robin Hood in one of five alternative settings - 17th century Scotland, the Old West, a contemporary setting with superheroes, a cyberpunk world and a far future sci-fi setting, as well as the traditional Sherwood Forest setting. Jackson is now fully integrated into his adoptive tribe and regards them as his family. His skill at bow and arrow is legendary. He is also armed with a knife and a tomahawk. His efforts on the part of the Lakota have earned him a great reputation among the Sioux, whilst his reputation among whites as a renegade has grown; there is talk of hanging him as soon as he is captured.
Jackson's closest friend in the tribe is Lone Tree on the Plains. In the supplement, he was a male ally but I decided to change his sex, to match that of the figure. She is the daughter of White Eagle and is glad that her father is grooming Splits Arrow to take over the leadership of the tribe. She views Jackson as a brother and the two work well together. She is armed with a bow, arrows, knife and tomahawk.
Finally is Looks at Fire, the tribe's medicine man and shaman. He is respected and honoured for his wisdom and experience, and is consulted on every important matter undertaken by the band or a member. His love of children extended to the young Jackson, whose interest in tribal lore and ceremony Looks at Fire encouraged. Note that his figure was produced by Grenadier Miniatures, as part of their own Shadowrun range.
These are four superb sculpts and they fit in so perfectly with the GURPS Robin Hood characters that I had to use them as such. I do have plans for using them in a Six Gun Sound setting, so that is something to look out for.


  1. Nice set of models Bryan & a great paint job.

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank.

    2. Your welcome Bryan & I should have added how much I enjoy the history you take the time to post about models your working on, I've just finished watching Robert Redfords Wildwest over on netflix, which I enjoyed & it was interesting that you brought up the Dekota Tribes as the show covered the The Little Big Horn & The Massacre at Wounded Knee plus what could only be called the murder's of Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull.

      The White Indian reminds of A Man Called Horse, I can't remember if that was based on real events or if it was just fiction.

    3. Hi, Frank. Thanks for the extra comments. The native Americans fared very badly at the hands of the white men. The Wounded Knee Massacre was brutal and yes, I too, believe Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull (both Lakota Sioux) were murdered. I have studied the history of the Wild West very extensively and it's a topic I'm well versed in so I enjoy adding historical titbits to my posts.

      The film, "A Man Called Horse" was based on a short story written by Western writer Dorothy M. Johnson and is a work of fiction.

      You may have noticed I have finally started following your own blog. Don't ask me why it has taken so long! It's something I should have done ages ago.

    4. I had indeed noticed Bryan & thank you :)

  2. Lovely little set of figures there Bryan, I can't believe they were originally made for Shadowrun, they look perfect "cowboy fodder" for your wild west games!

    Cheers Roger

    1. Thanks, Roger. It is hard to believe that all of these were produced for "Shadowrun" but there you go.

  3. Hi there Mr Scott, long time reader, first time commenter, anyways I was perusing eBay when I saw this! Looked very familiar.

    This comment looks an awful lot like the spam ones people get doesn't it.

    1. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, JJ. That's my photo the seller is using. If he'd asked me if he could use it I'd almost certainly have agreed but to use it without asking permission first is naughty.

  4. Hi Bryan these are all looking good and as I said last time I think, I enjoyed the intro and info.

    1. Much appreciated, John. I remember you telling me how much you appreciated the historical info when I reviewed my 7th Cavalry figures.

  5. I've just had a look at JJs link your vampire rockers look pretty amazing, well done with them although it's not on that some one is taking your content without asking or attributing.

    1. I've seen this kind of thing done before & its bang out of order, he could at the very least asked permission & acknowledged it was your work Bryan.

    2. Thanks, guys. As I said if he'd have asked me for permission to use the photo I would have almost certainly agreed but to just steal it and then claim that all pictures on his site are stock photos is bang out of order. I have contacted the seller but I doubt if much will come of it.

  6. Totally spiffing young man, spiffing I tell you!

  7. Really cool. I also thought of using these Shadowrun miniatures for Western gaming, but when I went looking for them it seems I no longer have any. I vaguely remember selling off all my Shadowrun and Cyberpunk miniatures...bad mistakes, I've made a few.
    Great paint jobs!

    1. Oh, man, I really feel your pain. I'm sure we've all made mistakes we've regretted later in life. I know I have.

  8. These look like really nice sculpts Bryan. Nice paintjob on them all as well.

  9. Those look absolutely amazing Bryan! Your detail work on the clothing is top notch :)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Ivor. Although they were painted well over 20 years ago I doubt if I could do them any better today.

  10. Nice group. Manitou will be proud of you.

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