
Saturday 13 October 2018

Zomtober 2018 part 2 - The Walking Dead Survivors

In the Zomtober challenge you must paint at least one zombie or survivor figure per week. I have already shown eight zombies in my first post. Now I turn my attention to the survivors. These figures are all from the wave 1 boxed set of The Walking Dead skirmish game by Mantic Games. There are two very different groups here. First up are four of the Atlanta survivors who Rick Grimes teams up with when he goes searching for his wife and son. The second group are a gang of miscreants who are opposed to them. Most of these are only known by their first names in the comics and game but I have given all of them full names for use in my own games.
First up at the far left is Allen Lomax, who is a bruiser. His figure is armed with a bolt-action rifle.
Dale Horvath is the lookout and marksman of the Atlanta group. He is armed with a sniper rifle with fitted scope-sight.
Second from the right is Donna Bell, an unarmed support member of the group.
Finally, is Jim Rothenburg, another support member and a mechanic. He is armed with a 9mm pistol.
Leader of the gangers is Derek Prescott, who is classed as a tactician and a heartless mercenary. This brutal skinhead is armed with a 9mm pistol.
Next in line is Patrick Singleton, a bruiser armed with a baseball bat.
The weak link of the gang is Liam White, who is an unarmed support member.
Last of all is Sandra Vega, who is the gang's runner and she is armed with a knife.
These hard plastic figures are incredibly well sculpted, full of character and an absolute joy to paint. By the way, this weekend is the 15th anniversary of the launch of The Walking Dead comic, and to mark the occasion, Mantic Games have a 15% discount offer on all of their The Walking Dead products. I made use of it by placing an order for the Greene family farm scenery set and the prone bodies set. The barn, fences and hay bales that come with the farm set will also work well for my Wild West games and dead bodies are always useful.


  1. Nicely done Bryan, funny you should mention The Walking Dead, one of the smaller grandchildren was found chomping on a zombie this morning.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. Kids will eat anything, won't they? ;-)

  2. Jim Rothenburg looks like Burt Gummer from Tremors, perfect!

    1. That's a great spot, Skully. I love the "Tremors" films.

  3. Excellent I particularly like the gangers. You are setting a cracking pace with the figures you are knocking out.

    1. Many thanks, John. I am most certainly on a roll and loving every minute of it.

  4. I too shall have a walking dead survivor on my blog today. But you have out shone me in numbers that is for sure. You must be a fast painter to maintain the skill lover such a number.

    1. Cheers, Clint. I am a fast painter and I like to have about 20 figures on the go at any one time.

  5. Nice installment for Zomtober! The nice thing about the Walking Dead figures is that they are more 'realistic' of what one would expect. Typical civilian purchased weaponry & ad-hoc creations. Not that my dual 44 Magnum wielding Kat isn't realistic heheee.

    1. Thanks, Terry. I totally agree with you about their choice of weapons. Your Kat sounds like my kind of gal! :-)

  6. Really nice work Bryan, good to see you knee deep in "Mantic" games figures as well!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. Knee deep is right as i only have Mantic TWD figures on my painting desk right now.

  7. I love this range of miniatures both dead and alive

  8. Nice work Bryan. Great job on them all.

  9. I find the Walking Dead models really fun to paint as most of them are packed with character. Nice work.

    1. Thanks, Kieron, and I couldn't agree with you more.

  10. Lots of good stuff here, easily surpassing the minimum requirements for Zomtober :-) !

    1. Thank you most kindly, Hugh. As I said earlier, I'm on a roll!

  11. Nice choice for Zomtober Bryan; Though I prefer Walktober :D . The figures look good; These and the walkers in the previous post. I just restarted my TWD project this month too; Great Minds? Mine not so much. Mantic continues to step up the quality of their figures as the waves go on. If you appreciate the early TWD sculpts the most recent ones will blow you away. I can see you appreciating Rosita.

    1. Many thanks, HP. I had noticed you were getting back into TWD - good man! I do have all of the expansion sets and yes, I am a big fan of Rosita. I love her character and her figure.

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