
Saturday 12 January 2019

The Walking Dead Corpses

When I placed my last order with Mantic Games for the Here's Negan board-game, I also ordered a set of The Walking Dead Corpses. This set comprises of six figures - 4 zombie corpses, 1 human corpse and a dying human. All are sculpted on 25mm diameter bases and are made of resin. The detail on them is very good.
At the back is the kneeling human. I painted him with his eyes closed. He would make a good hostage. To his left is the dead human. She hasn't turned yet and bears no obvious wounds. I painted her with a very pale flesh for her skin to show she is still human. The four zombies at the bottom of the photo are very obviously undead. They all have multiple wounds and their faces look very gaunt and emaciated. All of the figures have been cleverly sculpted to fit on their bases with their legs bent.
This is not an essential purchase as they serve no purpose in the game. However, for me, in any zombie apocalypse game, corpses are an essential part of the scenery. Like zombies, you can never have too many corpses, in my opinion. This set costs £14.99 from the Mantic Games webstore, so they're not cheap by any means. Although sold as a The Walking Dead accessory set, they could be used in any zombie apocalypse game.


  1. Very cool looking additions Bryan, even thoughthey add no purpose in the game they certainly add atmosphere

    1. Thanks, Dave, and I couldn't agree with you more - they do add atmosphere.

  2. I’m a big fan of set dressing mate, these look really nice

    1. Me too, Andy. Call them set dressing but they certainly add to the ambience of a game board.

  3. Excellent idea from "Mantic Games" as they'll look suitably splendid on any of your zed-infested tabletops, Bryan. Great work!!

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. They will also work well in the "Resident Evil 2" board-game as replacements for their corpse tokens.

  4. I would think they are handy things to have Bryan for lots of different reasons, like there's a car over there is the keys on one of the bodies ? now all of a sudden they have a purpose in the game :) or can be just eye candy.

    1. Thank you kindly, Frank, and I totally agree with you. I love your idea about the car keys being on one of the corpses.

  5. Very nice Bryan! I've got a few of these sets myself and I love them. Also wanted to let you know I picked up the Firefly game over the holidays because of your posts on it :) Looking forward to trying it out.

    1. Hi, Ivor. Good on you, mate! Getting a few sets of these is not a bad thing. I hope you enjoy playing "Firefly" as much as I have. It is a cool game.

  6. Set dressing is always good and in a zombie game corpses are almost essential.

  7. Nice looking figures Bryan. I have a set myself but most are unpainted ( :( ) until I get on another TWD kick. They are well detailed; Resin casts are super crisp. I'm kinder than you so I decided to split the survivors and walkers 50/50; Not really, I just wanted more living hostages.

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, HP. They are indeed well detailed and super crisp. The mind boggles as to why you'd want more human hostages!

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