At the far left is HFA001 Eve, who looks remarkably like Lara Croft of Tomb Raider fame. I had already painted up a Copplestone Castings not-Lara as my own Tomb Raider, and didn't want to paint this version up in the same colour scheme. I compromised by giving her a Union Jack T-shirt, which wasn't easy to paint! Kev's version of not-Lara is a much more animated sculpture than the Copplestone figure. The way she is holding her pistols is excellent. Note that her arms are separate castings. I thought that I'd have some difficulty in gluing her arms on but I didn't. I used epoxy resin to glue them and they were an excellent fit. My only criticism of the figure is that she is lacking holsters for her pistols. Actually, looking at the five figures in the photos above I see that none of the ladies are fitted with holsters. An oversight, perhaps?
Next up is HFA015 Dionne, who was based, once again, on Selene from the Underworld films. Remember Kat from last time was also based on Selene. I've made a few changes to this figure to convert her into Violet Song jat Shariff (played by Milla Jovovich) from the film Ultraviolet. I lengthened her hair and gave her a short jacket. I liked the Ultraviolet film, despite what the critics had to say about it, so I'm very happy to have a figure of Violet in my collection. As conversions go, this was very easy to do. Technically speaking, she should go in a post on vampires, but first of all, Hasslefree don't make vampires, and secondly, Violet is not a traditional, supernatural vampire but a product of a test-tube.
As a companion piece to Kat and Dionne is this figure, HFA021 Dionne (b). Yep, this is a conversion of the previous figure, in which Kev has added a long leather coat. Now the figure looks far more like Selene when she sets out to hunt down Lycans. It's a lovely figure but for me it's not the definitive Selene figure. That accolade goes to Copplestone's female werewolf hunter, who is in a superb action pose with both guns blazing and her leather coat sweeping around her. I will do a review of her soon. I've painted my figure as a Dionne rather than Selene and gave her a red leather costume underneath her coat. I will point out just how popular this figure is amongst us ATZ bloggers as Willy uses her as LTL Mom in his campaign and Oliver used her as Mrs. Whiteface in his campaign before she ended up being infected. My fellow bloggers clearly know a good figure when they see one!
Fourth in line is HFA031 Kendra. I like how this figure is posed. She has a two-handed grip on her pistol and as she is walking, she's checking all around her for possible threats. She looks like she knows what she's doing. Kendra is an unusual name and the only other time I've heard it being used was in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series when Kendra the Vampire Slayer popped up in a few episodes before being killed by Drusilla. This figure is most definitely not Kendra the Vampire Slayer.
Finally, in this batch of figures is another female armed with two pistols, HFA043 Kitty. I wonder if she's called Kitty because she has a Hello Kitty rucksack on her back? Her jeans look like they have been sprayed on her; they are just so tight. Some of my followers will be pleased to note that she's wearing a thong - you can see the sides of it riding high on her hips. Like the figure of Eve, she comes with separate arms and again I had no problem gluing them in place. Her pose, where she is checking who or what is behind her, is full of movement and animation and perfectly shows just how good Kevin White is at sculpting females. She is an exquisite mini!

The next figure in line is HFA020 Sadie (b), a conversion of HFA019 Sadie shown last post. This version of Sadie comes with a choice of three sets of arms and weapons. There is the Remington 870 shotgun version, which you can see in the two photos above. Alternatively, you could arm her with a katana or you could go more high-tech and give her an Aliens style assault rifle. After bemoaning about the lack of holsters for the five figures shown at the start of this post, it's nice to see this figure with a holstered pistol. With so many options on offer it might pay you to buy more than one of this figure. I'll be buying a second one soon to arm with the katana.
Proving that Kev must really like this figure, here is HFA063 Sadie (c). Yep, it's a fifth version of Sadie! This time, it's back to a one-piece casting and she holds a MAC10 SMG with silencer in her right hand, whilst in her left hand she is shining a torch at something. It is a very clever conversion and I like her a lot. Again she has a pistol holstered at her right hip and she totes a small backpack, which could hold any number of smallish items, like spare ammo, medical supplies, food, drink or make-up. Hey, there's no reason why a girl can't look her best just because there's a zombie apocalypse!
Finally, is HFA022 Madge, nicely posed reloading a double-barrelled shotgun. As you can see, Madge is a more mature lady, and full marks to Kev for not being ageist. Madge looks like she's a country type, like the lady of a manor or a wealthy farmer's wife. There is oodles of character in this figure and she'd make a great "mother" figure to a group of younger adventurers.
There were a couple of female adventurers whom I almost included in this post (HFA005 Maria and HFA035 Morgan) but they are quite small so I've included them with the kids, and I'll post a review of them next time. When it comes to picking or adding female survivors for your party you really are spoilt for choice with Hasslefree.
Prices for this batch of figures are as follows: Dionne, Dionne (b), Suzi, Madge and Kendra are £3.50 each. Eve, Kitty, Sadie (b) and Sadie (c) are all £4.00 each. Worth every penny in my opinion!