The two photos above give you a good view of the roof so I'll comment on that now. The roof is also from the Bits of Mayhem set and I made sure that the trapdoor hinged so that it could open and close. The roof is glued onto mounting board and further reinforced with foamboard. The foamboard is thick enough to allow it to sit on the floor below without moving as it is cut flush with the inside of the lower walls. Also, the hole for the trapdoor is cut slightly smaller than the hole I cut in the mounting board. This helps keep the door flush with the roof.
The roof is provided with edging that is supposed to hide the sides of the foamboard as WWG expect you to cut it flush with the outside of the walls. It wasn't necessary for me to do this, so I printed out some extra pieces and used them to make a parapet surrounding the roof.

In the reception room, the desk, telephone and receptionist's chair are from the Mayhem Police set. Her laptop computer comes from the Ebbles Derelict Core 2 set (Office Props). If you want to remain loyal to WWG, there is an excellent laptop computer in the Mayhem Junkyard set, which wasn't available when I made this. You'll notice a lot of portraits on the walls as well as numerous certificates. I typed in "lawyers" in the Google Images search engine and printed out page 1 of the results at A5 size to give me lots of individual portraits and group portraits. The certificates came from the same place as the laptop computers - Ebbles Derelict Core 2 set (Office Props).
The desk used by the junior lawyer is found in Mayhem Industrial. Ditto with his computer. His chair comes from the Mayhem Police set. The welcome mat found in the reception room comes from Jim's Printable Minis.
The two long red seats in the reception room are from the Mayhem Police set. The filing cabinet in the junior lawyer's office can be found in the Mayhem Industrial set but cut in half. The other half gets used later. His ancient looking bookcase comes from the Castles and Keeps set, with one set of shelves removed to make it fit heightwise. Remember to leave a 0.25" gap on the top of your internal walls so that the foamboard that reinforces the floor above can fit in place.
The smaller bookcase in the junior lawyer's office is one third of the extremely long bookcase found in the Shellendrak Manor set. The big, black coffee machine in the reception room is from the Mayhem Police set.
This floor represents the secretarial pool. The corridor floor and walls are made in the same way as the the ground floor corridor. Now here's a clever tip for the cork effect floor in the big room. Go to Microsoft Office Word. Click on Insert. Click on Shapes and choose the Rectangle shape in the Basic Shapes choices. Draw a rectangle that just about covers the page. Now click on Shape Fill and choose the Textures option. The cork texture is the sixth one down at the extreme left column. Click on that and your rectangle will be filled. Print it out and then cut to measure. I'm using Windows Vista, so I don't know if this will work on earlier versions of Windows. The floor and walls of the toilet are both wallpaper patterns from Jim's Printable Minis. The walls of the big room are red and pastel red card, similar to those used in the corridors and stairwells.
Most of the furniture found in the secretarial pool comes from the Mayhem Police set, which is a godsend for furnishing offices. I'll only mention the stuff that doesn't come from there. The six room dividers are a great way to form cubicles for the secretaries.
The six laptop computers are the same ones as used by the receptionist downstairs. You can also find a good set of laptop computers in the Ebbles Ambient Elements - Barracks set. Very useful if you want variety on the screens.
The clock at the top of the photo above comes from Jim's Printable minis.
The toilet and sink were used from the Mayhem Police set. For an older look, use the ones found in Shellendrak manor.
The second floor (or third floor if you are an American) consists of offices for the barrister (far left)and the solicitor (centre) as well as a store room. The walls and floor of the corridor and stairwell continue the theme started on the ground floor. The floor and walls of the barrister come from Jim's Printable Minis. The floors for the solicitor and the storeroom can both be found in the Mayhem Police set. The walls of both rooms are just thin coloured card - light grey for the storeroom and pastel green for the solicitor.
The two long bookcases are kitbashed from the very long bookcase found in Shellendrak Manor. I've replaced the lower set of drawers with more bookshelves. A simple cut and paste job. These bookcases are two thirds the length of the Shellendrak Manor one. The filing cabinet in the solicitor's office is from Mayhem Police. The shelves and boxes found in the storeroom are from the Ebbles Ambient Elements - Storeroom set.
Both desks are from Shellendrak Manor, as are the four chairs for clients. The barrister and solicitor sit on the bigger chairs found in the Mayhem Police set. This is where their computers, keyboards, monitors and telephones come from.
The small bookcase seen in the solicitor's office comes once again, from the Mayhem Police set.
The filing cabinet in the barrister's offices can be found in the Mayhem Industrial set but here, I've cut it in half. It comes with four sets of drawers but I only wanted two sets of drawers. The other half was used in the junior lawyer's office on the ground floor.
The fourth storey is where the senior partners have their offices. As you can see, I've made all corridors and stairwells the same. The big office to the left uses wallpaper and carpets from Jim's Printable Minis. The carpet in the other office utilises the same technique that I used for the secretarial pool. This time look at the top row of the textures and chose the one at the far right - denim. Once again, I turned to Jim's Printable Minis for my choice of wallpaper here.
The big bookcase seen in the big office above is a fullsized kitbash of the Shellendrak Manor bookcase with no drawers and extra shelves. It's quite a size and only just fit in.
The desk in the big office is identical to the receptionist's desk, i.e. it came from Mayhem Police. The other desk is the one found in Shellendrak Manor. Chairs and desk items are identical to the ones found in the two offices below.
The two bookcases shown in the small(ish) office are my kitbashes of the Shellendrak Manor bookcase but both at one third its size. The filing cabinet seen at the very top of the above photo is from Mayhem Police.
The filing cabinets in the smaller office are those that come with the Mayhem Industrial set but this time cut to three-quarter length. The filing cabinets in the larger office are from the Mayhem Police set.

Still with me? This was a much bigger project than I thought it would be. It took over five months to complete and when I was finished I just couldn't face making another building with lots of furniture in. This was the last building that I've made. I'm now working on the Mayhem Skateboard Park, which I've almost completed. Yippee, no interiors to worry about! As you can see there was a hell of a lot of work involved in bringing this project to fruition but once completed my sense of satisfaction was immense. I'm very, very proud of this model but I wouldn't want to make another one soon!
You know I LOVE your scenery, I wish I had access to a printing source to create such wonders....
ReplyDeleteThanks, Slobberblood. Ouch! No access to a printing source must be so frustrating for you! I was lost when my last printer died and I had to wait a week to get a new one. It felt a lot longer!
ReplyDeleteI go away for a week (cottage in Cricieth - lovely by the way) and Vampifan does all this - brilliant job!
ReplyDelete....and a huge thank you! Excellent work as always and just shows how all the WWG sets work well together.
Munce, mate, I've been waiting for you to comment on this as it's all down to you this review has appeared so soon in my schedule. I'm so glad you like it. I've been immensely heartened by the kind comments on the WWG forum as well. It makes all my hard work worthwhile. Anyway, I hope my efforts on this project inspire you on your own office block.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I hope you had a great holiday. It's nice to get away but it's always nice to get back home.
Wow, Vampifan, every piece of scenery that you show is more impressive than the previous one. This project is really awesome, congrats!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Fer.
DeleteCheers again and now I find some inspiration to while away the two weeks I have left on my hols. I really am going to have to look at those furniture bits in the sets - great idea using the Ebbles stuff too.
ReplyDeleteWow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Aditya.
DeleteHow did i miss this, thats so cool, how long did it take to make? im guessing months
ReplyDeleteI can't remember exactly how long it took me to build, SK, but months is right.
Deletevery cool!!! great job!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Forofo27.