Anyone following the exploits of Team Vampifan will be aware that Big Sil and Angie are bikers. Until now, I've never shown any pics of them on bikes. The reason for that was simple - I didn't have any figures of them on motorbikes. A few weeks ago Whiteface/Oliver mentioned that he'd bought some figures from Mirliton. This prompted me to check out their webstore. In addition to checking out their horror range, most of which are old Grenadier figures that I already had, I also checked out their Dark Future range. Most of this range is available from EM4, with whom I do a lot of business. However, there were a couple of biker figures I'd never seen before, one of which is shown at the far left of the two photos above.
He is CW1539 Future Savage on Chopper Motorcycle and is priced at 4.83 Euros. In case you don't know, Mirliton are an Italian based company. What drew me to this figure was the fact that the driver was clearly based on the EM4 figure that I used for Big Sil. I had to have him! I've placed my foot figure of Big Sil alongside the bike so that you can see the similarity between them. There are a few minor changes between them - one, the mounted version has a shoulder pad on his left shoulder and two, his laptop computer has been omitted. I liked the way my Black Scorpion biker with babe had turned out when I painted the bike metallic purple, so for Big Sil's bike I painted it metallic blue. Again, it works well.
So, I had a bike mounted version of Big Sil, now I wanted a mounted version of Angie. I ordered a second version of Angie from the EM4 webstore to convert to go on a bike. I ordered a chopper bike with a pair of female legs sculpted in place from Ramshackle Games to use for Angie's bike. However, I was hugely disappointed when I received it. It was huge! it measured 80mm in length and about 40mm in height. There was no way the legs could have reached the ground as they were so high up. I couldn't use it. I've never been so disappointed with purchasing something from the Internet as I was with this bike. What to do? I could have ordered a bike from EM4, which I know would have worked with Angie, but instead I raided my pile of very old unpainted figures and found a nifty little Ral Partha Shadowrun bike, which I assume is now out of production. I repositioned the left arm and both legs of my spare Angie figure and stuck her in place. I filled the gaps with Green Stuff modelling putty and the final result can be seen in the photos above. Again, I have placed the foot figure of Angie alongside the mounted version. I painted Angie's bike blue and yellow, the colours of the Swedish flag, because Angie hails from Sweden. I coated the blue and yellow parts of the bike with gloss varnish to give it that newly polished look.
I am extremely happy with these two mounted versions of Big Sil and Angie. Finding Big Sil on a chopper bike was a piece of good luck and so was finding a spare bike for Angie amongst my own figures. It pays not to throw anything away! I need to think of an ATZ scenario that will allow me to use Big Sil and Angie on their bikes. Perhaps a road trip, with them riding scout for Vampifan in his pick-up truck. No doubt, some of you will be wondering, will I be making a bike-mounted version of Vampifan? I have no plans for it. Vampifan prefers four wheels to two. As for Gap, don't be silly! He wouldn't be seen dead on a bike!
Great conversion on Angie, the Sil-on-bike is rather nice too! And now, I'm checking out Mirliton!
ReplyDeleteAngie is pretty darned hot! A red head in skin tight leather scares me a little though. Well, actually a lot!
ReplyDelete@Chris. You never know what you'll find until you check it out. Delivery time for my order was about two weeks, which I admit I thought would have been faster. Still, I'm not complaining, just commenting as i'd never ordered anything from Italy before.
ReplyDelete@Willy. Angie is undoubtedly hot but you're right to be scared of her - she scares a lot of folks!
Another great job. Another seamless conversion with Angie. I wonder how well a Hot Wheels motorcycle would work with some of these 28mm minis.
ReplyDeleteNice that you found a Big Sil (see got it right this time and didnt call him Big Sal, LOL) with the bike miniature. I also noticed (after looking at the Mirliton site) that you didn't go for the Big Sil on the Bike with the Sidecar. If you would have went with that mini you could have cut possibly tried to cut the sidecar passenger out and seated Angie there riding along with Big Sil.
ReplyDeleteBTW if I can work it into my budget this week I am looking at ordering approximately £30 worth or minis from eM4 (the order includes the shipping which iirc is about £10, in all it is just shy of $50USD). If I do place the order I will be getting the figures of Big Sil and Angie along with some of the Savages, Scavengers, other Bikers, and Plastic Gangers to fill out my Ganger collection (so far it consists of 0 figures, LOL). I may also get the Reporter and Cameraman for the Haven Scenario Military Evacuation where you can get the News Media Random Encounter. I may throw on a couple of the eM4 figures with bikes (I believe theres 3 of them on the eM4 site and one is a Police biker and rider), so that I can have me some mobile Bikers/Gangers too. If I do place the order I am going to be blaming you for the new lead for me to paint, LOL.
@Luckyjoe. Interesting comment about the Hot Wheels bike. I don't have any, so I can't give you a definitive answer but I agree that it is something worth considering.
ReplyDelete@Doug. I was tempted to buy the Mirliton motorbike with sidecar but decided against it. I don't think that Big Sil would like a sidecar on his bike. As for suggesting Angie ride in the sidecar - well, it would take a very brave man to suggest that to her. Angie in a sidecar? Not in this dimension. Perhaps in Bizarroworld! Now, if you'd said put Gap in the sidecar, I'd say your idea had merit.
EM4 are a great firm to deal with. All of the figures you mention are worth having. I have all of their Dark Future range. Regarding their mounted bikers, there used to be three riders for the two bikes (I'm not counting the police bikes and riders here) and I've mixed them around to give me a greater variety of riders on bikes. I'll be reviewing them soon, so you'll be able to see what I've done. I'll apologise in advance, as it may make you want to buy more of them!
The news reporters can also appear as a Random Road encounter in BDTZ, so it is worthy having some.
Hi Vampifan, I've just been inspired to get into Zombie-gaming-fun and your website has proven to be a priceless resource when scouting for the Zeds!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for all your hard work - keep it up, it is REALLY appreciated!
@Doug I got a news crew from Em4 a while ago and when I did I got the "Civilian, carrying documents Ref: 3706c" from the Spacelords Civilians range as a producer. I've painted them all in the same them and he fits nicely. I'll try and get a picture up soon ...
Hi, Colin, and a very warm welcome to you. It is very satisfying receiving comments like yours. I promise that there is a lot more to come.
ReplyDeleteI've got the Spacelords figure you mentioned, although mine is painted up as Mega City One civilian for my Judge Dredd games. Good idea to team him up with the news crew.
Hey Colin, Glad to see you found your way over here to Vampifans Blog from my post over on the THW Yahoo Group. You will Find that Bryan (Vampifan) has some really excellent stuff here, and his Batreps are easy to follow and if your new to ATZ will help you understand how the game play works.
ReplyDeleteI have seen the eM4 prepaint packs (the one with the figures, which were Samurai, and with the dice) years ago at one of the local gaming shops and they looked nice.
@Bryan- Who knows the Spacelords figure you guys are talking about might make a perfect yes man for some corrupt politician that survived and now rules a survivor community, that Vampi and gang come across in their future travels.
Err never mind my comment about the Spacelords Civilian Carrying Papers figure, jsut looked him up over on eM4's site, with that visor he looks a little to futuristic or a reject from the 1980's (though the 80's wasn't a bad decade, just some of the fashion was).
ReplyDeleteI also need to sat away from the eM4 site for a while, every time I go there I seem to add more figures to the shopping list, and I wont have as much for my gaming budget as I was originally hoping this week.
The Spacelords civilian we're talking about could work in a contemporary setting but I still think he works best in a sci-fi setting. I'd like to see how Colin has painted him (and his news team). The EM4 site is like a sweet shop when you were a kid, full of goodies you'd love to have but can't afford. I know the feeling, Doug, although I'm glad to say I have far more disposable income to spend on my hobby now than I did when I was just a wee nipper!
ReplyDelete@Doug - I wondered if that was you! What a small world this really is!
ReplyDelete@Vampifan - I'll try and get a piccie up on my blog tonight, but I am still trying to get decent pictures :( if I do, I'll put a link up here.
Thanks, Colin. I wish you all the best and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
ReplyDeletePictures taken and posted at http://cmnash.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteComments welcomed!
I've left a comment on your blog, Colin, but I'll repeat it here - very nicely painted figures. The sombre, dark grey colours work well for a corporate crew.
ReplyDelete@ Colin-I left a comment too on your Blog about the News team and liking the dark grey suits.
ReplyDelete@Bryan- Unfortunately my disposable income is extremely limited due to the economy and limited jobs in the area. Luckily though I do get some money from Unemployment benefits that helps pay the bills, with some left over for personal spending. Unfortunately whats left isn't enough to buy all the minis, paints, etc... that I would like. I may place a small order with eM4 and use the other money that I am figuring on having for minis and stuff locally at either the Local Hobby Shop or the Local Game Store and see what Reaper Chronoscape figures they have or see if they carry the Mantic Ghouls so I can have me some more Ragers.
Doug, I share your pain. I've been out of work for over ten years now, due to a bad back, so I know all about having to live on benefits. Fortunately, I live with my parents and they are very supportive and understanding. I'm also fortunate in that I don't drink or smoke or own a car, or have a family to raise, although I do a lot for my parents. As a consequence, I can spend all of my spare cash on my hobby. However, with our government declaring war on the poor, the sick, the aged and the unemployed I foresee much tougher times on the horizon. I view next year with fear and trepidation. I wish you and anyone else in a similar situation all the best!