Moving on with my review of Wargame Foundry's 28mm scale Street Girls from their popular Street Violence range are two more sets - SV038 Mistress Medusa's Dominatrix Coven and SV053 Mistress Olivia's Street Girls.
I'll begin with Mistress Medusa's Dominatrix Coven, shown above in the first two photos. Mistress Medusa Rowntree is the first African/American street girl we've encountered in these two reviews. She has a leather fetish, as she is dressed in a red leather cat suit with thigh length red boots, a red spiky leather backpack and a long black leather duster. She is armed with a 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifle. With her huge afro, which I'm sure I made larger with modelling putty. You have to think of 1970's "Blaxploitation" movies when you see her.
Her chief lieutenant, Pandora Jones, really stands out in her yellow lingerie, boots and gloves, which contrasts well with her brown skin. Equally striking is her blonde hair, which certainly isn't natural. She is armed with a more compact Assault Rifle than Medusa - a 5.56mm Colt Commando.
In the centre of the group is the third African/American Street Girl - Peach Sunday. With a name like that, I had to give her peach coloured hair, which she wears in two very striking ponytails. She is also armed with a 5.56mm Colt M16 Assault Rifle. In addition, she has a pistol in a holster on her right hip. Note her black mask worn around her eyes.
Fourth in line is the very cheeky Molly Mojo. She wears a blue rubber dress (with golden yellow admiral's cuffs and epaulettes), which has been styled to show off maximum cleavage, of which hers is most impressive. What really makes you sit up and notice her is when she turns round. Two panels have been cut out to reveal her back and her bum. Very nice, I say! Her choice of weapon is unusual - a 9mm M2 Benelli Machine Pistol.
Finally, is the group's submissive girl - Justine Markowitz. If you have dominatrices then you need someone for them to dominate. This is where the submissives come in. It is often said that it is really the subs who are in control. Justine wears nothing but a pair of rubber panties, with a zip at the front. She has been manacled at the wrists and ankles and a gag has been attached to her mouth. A chain hangs between her breasts from nipple to nipple. Her only use in a game of ATZ would be as bait, which would be a callous tactic but may be enough to distract a horde of zeds long enough to escape from them.

The fourth group of Foundry Street Girls (or second in this review) are Mistress Olivia's Street Girls. At the far left of the next two photos above is Mistress Olivia Tate, who to me, bears more than a passing resemblance to singer Beyonce, or as I call her, Bouncey! Mistress Olivia is dressed in a long, brown overcoat, a fishnet bodysuit, black lingerie, black boots and black gloves, topped off by sunglasses and a black peaked cap. She has a pair of pistols in holsters strapped to her thighs.
Standing to her left is Martha "Red" Berry, who wears identical clothing to Mistress Medusa, although her coat has a fur collar. She has a big shoulder bag slung over her left shoulder. In her right hand she carries a 7.65mm Model 61 Skorpion Machine Pistol.
In the centre of the group is the most heavily armed of all the Street Girls (including the ones reviewed last time). This is Pam Lebenzon, who wears fishnet lingerie and black leather boots, gloves, cap and choker. the most noticable aspect about her is her 5.56mm Colt M16A1 Assault Rifle with underslung M230 Grenade Launcher. "Say hello to my leetle friend!" as Al Pacino so memorably said in the film,
Scarface. As a back up weapon she has chosen the 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5 Sub-Machine Gun. She has plenty of ammo pouches on her belt. This girl means serious business!
Next up is a Sarah Jane Reeves, a figure that has been remodelled from Molly Mojo. Sadly her sexy rear cutouts have been replaced. Maintaining the nautical theme I painted her dress white and kept the golden yellow cuffs and epaulettes. A backpack has been added to her and she is now armed with a 7.62mm Kalashnikov AK47 Assault Rifle.
Fifth in line and the final figure from these sets is Denise "Cop Girl" Cooper. She is a conversion of Rollergirl and Honey Wilde, whom I reviewed last time. Her Cop Girl outfit of rollerskates, hotpants, cropped shirt and peaked cap would appear to have been designed by a porn film director. Still I admire her choice of weapon - the 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5 SMG with scopesight.
If you combine these two sets with the previous two that I reviewed last time you'll have a company of 20 well armed and sexy fighting females... well 19 to be exact. Justine the submissive is hardly a fighter. Perhaps she's the club mascot!
My three favourite figures from all four sets are Fifi Lamour the French maid from the first set (a French maid with a Steyr AUG Assault Rifle - awesome combo), Molly Mojo (purely for her blatantly sexy costume) and Pam Lebanzon (an incredibly sexy woman with a fantastic pair of weapons (insert own joke here!)).
If you liked the first two sets it goes without saying that you like these two sets as well. Personally, I'm a big fan of all four sets and I'd like to feature them in my ATZ campaign. I seem to remember a good while ago that Doug suggested I have Team Vampifan helping a madame and her girls to defend their brothel or strip club against a horde of zombies. Well, I've got the heroes, I've got the street girls, I've got the zombies. All I need is to build a brothel or a strip club. Sigh, I'll put it on my list of things to do!
The price for sets SV038 and SV053 are £10.00 each.