Sunday, 2 August 2015

Pillow Fight at St. Trinian's 02

Way back in March 2014 I posted a batrep for a most unusual game - Pillow Fight at St. Trinian's 01. You can find it here -
Last week I received a new comment on the game from Matthew James Barlow, with some interesting suggestions. That got me thinking that a rematch was long overdue. In the first match the Posh Totty team defeated the First Formers' team. Now they face a new challenge from the Emos team.
The game uses the Pillow-a-go-go rules, which are now out of print, but if you are interested in owning them I can e-mail them to you as a PDF. The rules only run to two A4 sized pages plus a page for the bed and counters. The objective of the game is to knock all your opponents off the super-sized bed. Each team of three combatants randomly chooses a pillow for each participant, which have varying effects. They also have three points to distribute amongst the stats of Attack, Defence and Agility for each participant. The game takes place on a giant bed measuring 6" by 6". Movement is 3" on the bed and 4" on the ground. Agility can modify these numbers.
I kept the same team and stats as before and picked very well for their pillows. By sheer coincidence these were the same three pillows I chose last time, although they went to different team members. The team from left to right are -
Rachel - Attack +2, Defence +0, Agility +1. Armed with Twin Cushions (gives 2 attacks per turn).
Chelsea - Attack +1, Defence +1, Agility +1. Armed with a Standard Feather Pillow (no bonuses or penalties).
April - Attack +0, Defence +2, Agility +1. Armed with Deluxe Goose Down Pillow (+1 bonus to Attack).
The challengers were up for a fight and wanted to prove they were the best pillow fighters. From left to right are -
Andrea - Attack +2, Defence +1, Agility +0. Armed with a Standard Feather Pillow (no bonuses or penalties).
Dorothy - Attack +2, Defence +0, Agility +1. Armed with a Standard Feather Pillow (no bonuses or penalties).
Emily - Attack +1, Defence +1, Agility +1. Armed with Big Bolster (knocks back opponent 2" instead of 1").
TURN 1 INITIATIVE - Posh = 3, Emos = 5.
The combatants may make one move followed by one attack per Turn. The first player activates one of their combatants carrying out all movement and any other actions. Once that combatants' activation ends activation moves to the next player in initiative order who then activates one of their combatants. This pattern continues until all players have had the opportunity to activate all of their combatants. When this occurs the turn has ended.
Dorothy. She moves 4" towards Chelsea and attempts a Normal Attack. If successful she'll knock  Chelsea back 1", which will push her off the bed. Both combatants roll 1d6 (using Attack vs Defence) adding any modifiers. Highest result wins and ties go to the defender. The result was E4, P4 (E = Emo, P = Posh), so Chelsea dodges the blow.
Rachel. She moves 1" to the side of Dorothy and launches a Double Attack with her twin cushions.
The results are P6, E3 and P3, E4, so one success and one failure. Dorothy is knocked 1" away from Rachel.
Emily. The young Emo moves 3" towards Rachel and attempts an Over Head Stunner Attack. This is a powerful attack if successful but is not without some risk. Before making this attack, the combatant leaves themselves open to attack. The target of this attack gets a free attack against her opponent before the Over Head Stunner is launched. If this free attack is successful in knocking back the attacker then this attack fails. Modifiers are +1 to hit. Opponent is knocked back 1" (it would actually be 2" because Emily is using the Big Bolster), knocked prone (must spend their next movement to stand up) and Stunned (unable to make any attacks until the next turn) during their next activation.
Unfortunately for Emily, Rachel succeeded in her free attack (P5, E4) and so it was Emily who got knocked back 1". This meant she couldn't attempt her Over Head Stunner Attack.
Chelsea. She moves 1" to the side of Dorothy and makes a Normal Attack, which succeeds (P5, E2). Dorothy is knocked back 1", placing her dangerously close to the edge of the bed.
Andrea. She moves 3" towards Chelsea but fails to reach her. This means she loses her chance to make an attack.
April. She moves 1" to the side of Dorothy and makes a Normal Attack, hoping to knock the Emo off the bed. However, the result is P4, E5, so Dorothy survives.
TURN 2 INITIATIVE - Posh = 4, Emos = 2.
April. There is no need for April to move as she is standing base to base with Dorothy. She makes a second Normal Attack using her Deluxe Goose Down Pillow and this time is successful. With results of P6, E3, Dorothy is knocked back 1", which sends her off the bed. She drops her pillow, which can be picked up by anyone on the bed. First blood goes to the Posh Totty team.
Andrea. She moves 1" towards Chelsea and makes a Normal Attack. With results of E6, P6, the combat is a draw, resulting in no damage.
Chelsea. The wily Posh Totty makes use of the bed's springiness and makes a Bounce Attack. By forfeiting her movement, Chelsea is able to make a big bounce up to 2" to threaten Andrea's footing. She must end her bounce in base contact with her opponent. Chelsea spectacularly bounces over Andrea. She suffers a -1 modifier to hit but still succeeds with a result of P6, E4. Andrea is knocked back 1" and knocked prone. Another knock back would see her tumbling off the bed.
Emily. She forfeits her movement to make a Round House Attack against Chelsea. She suffers a -1 modifier to hit but if successful will knock Chelsea back 3" (2" for the attack plus 1" for using the Big Bolster). Sadly, Emily's bad luck continues and she misses with a result of E3, P4.
Rachel. Rachel lives up to the St. Trinian's code of combat - always kick an opponent when they're down. She uses her twin cushions to attack the prone Andrea twice.
The results are P4, E6 and P6, E3. She only needed one success to knock Andrea off the bed and so the Emos are two girls down.
Dorothy. A person knocked off the bed is not allowed to climb back on but they can still make a contribution to the fight. The one and only attack they can make is a Dirty Trick Attack - the Ankle Grab. This has a range of 1" and if successful will knock an opponent prone. Dorothy moves 4" to stand alongside Andrea. She makes an Ankle Grab Attack against April. With the result of E5, P7, April evades the attack.
TURN 3 INITIATIVE - Posh = 5, Emos = 3.
Chelsea. The busty Posh Totty forfeits her movement to make a Round House Attack against Emily.
"This is how you do a round house, you little freak!" she screams as she whacks the Emo with a powerful swing. A result of P5, E2 knocks Emily 2" back, sending her reeling off the bed. It was an emphatic victory for the Posh Totty team, making it two wins in a row for them.

That was so much FUN! It only took an hour to play but would have been much quicker if I wasn't making notes and taking photos.


  1. What an absolutely cracking little game Bryan. Wonderful stuff and thoroughly enjoyable, due in large though I'm sure to your excellent write-up. I certainly found it a great read, though wasn't at all surprised that Rachel's team so dominated the proceedings considering she secreted that pistol of hers within one of her twin cushions ;-)

    Personally I'd greatly appreciate being sent a copy of the rules as I've already got a Batman-themed take on this ruleset which could make for an interesting campaign as to which Crimelord owns Gotham :-)

    Marvellous stuff as I said, its just a pity Dorothy's presence so was so short-lived. Good job her aim improves by the time she's time-travelling and whacking Daleks with baseball bats :-)

    1. Thanks as always, Simon. Surely you didn't expect the girls of St. Trinian's to play fair? Dorothy was unlucky. By going first and missing her attack left her wide open to be picked on. If her attack had succeeded the game could have ended very differently. You're right though, she may fare better whacking Daleks in the future. :-)

      I'll e-mail you a copy of the rules later today. I'll be very interested to see what you do with them.

    2. Many thanks Bryan, the PDF will be much appreciated. Sadly I think it'll divert me once again as I'll be wanting to paint up some more of Gotham's crime bosses, such as The Joker, Penguin and Bane. But I think you'll agree that the final result will be a rather fun little campaign ;-)

    3. Oh, I can't wait! Have fun, my friend.

    4. Yes... You and this blog are without doubt a huge distraction to both my lifetime savings and painting projects, Bryan. I've already got myself a 6"x6" piece of MDF and am currently gluing bits to it in order to create my 'bed'; albeit it's going to be garbage ;-)

    5. Don't belittle yourself, Simon. I'm sure your bed will come out fine, It's just a simple box that anyone can make. I made mine out of a couple of pieces of foam board stuck back to back. MDF will work just fine, giving you strength and durability.

  2. Lol Excellent! Great report Bryan loved it!

  3. I remember this craziness from last time Dude!
    It's nice to see the St T girls taking a break from beating zombies and defending anarchy.
    Lovely diversion Bryan, great fun.

    1. Cheers, Bob. To me, the whole point of gaming is to have fun. This I did in abundance with this offbeat game.

  4. School girls and Pillow fights, Not something a grown up should get involved with...... where do I sign up?

  5. Sounds a lot of fun, utterly crackers, but fun!!

  6. Wonderful write-up, Bryan! Looks like a great game. I'm sure I have the PDF somewhere, but if I can't locate it in a few days, I may hit you up for a copy. Congrats again to the Post Totty team on their victory.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I'll send you the PDF anyway. If you do find the original then no harm done. Yeah, congrats to the Posh Totty!

  7. Only recently started following your blog, as Simon refers to it a lot on his blog. Zombie tramps followed by St Trinian's pillow fights? What's not to love? I have a technical question though...what technique did you use for the stocking, as I have a figure that needs nylons? Is it brown ink? Looks great and I'd love to know how you did it. Of course, I now want some British schoolgirls...In 28mm, of course. Regards Jez

    1. Hi Jez, and a warm welcome. For the stockings I painted the legs as normal with flesh then used Citadel Adrax Earthshade ink wash for the stockings. The tops of the stockings are simply painted black. Check out Crooked Dice for their excellent range of 28mm scale British schoolgirls.

  8. Thanks Bryan. I'd already identified the figures - nicely done conversions of the Copplestone and Hasslefree figures. I know that Copplestone do have two "almost" schoolgirls in their ranges, but will have to reacquaint myself with Eureka Miniatures ones, to see if they're compatible. After the Oriental fantasy, Eternia, Frostgrave and superheroes are finished, of next year probably. :)

    1. I have both Eureka schoolgirl sets (one with swords, the other with guns). They are very Mangaesque in style and don't really fit in with the girls I use for St. Trinian's. That said, they could be foreign exchange students come to visit St. Trinian's.

  9. lol, you`re all mad.... the lot of ya...... mad I say, stark raving MAD... WOOHHAHHAHAhaahahahahahahahaahahaaaa <-------- * maniacal laughter as they come to take me away, lovely tight white suit, regular meals, nice comfortable padded cell*

    1. Ahem, thanks, Steve. I think you have to admit that there is a very fine line between genius and madness. I guess I shouldn't have stopped taking my medication! Woo hoo!

  10. Just popped over from Simon 'Blaxkleric's' blog to see the pillow fight action. Looks a right bit of fun.

    1. Thanks for popping by, Roy. The batrep certainly made quite an impression on Simon. As for the game, it was a whole load of fun!

  11. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information Gaming pillow for bed
